Page 24: Off to the Beanstalk:

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While walking, Dream kept walking close to Hook. She didn't know what she would do if he tried to escape, but she was tired of being a sitting duck who was just in the way. Aurora and Mulan were talking behind Dream and Hook, and so were Emma and Mary Margaret. 

Hook stopped, bending down to pick something up from the ground. "Why are we stopping?" Mulan asked when Dream watched as he rose up with something in his hand. "What did you pick up?" Dream asked, holding up her dagger when he looked at her.

"I believe you've dropped this." He said, revealing her bracelet in his hand.

Dream looked at her wrist, seeing that the bracelet wasn't there. She looked back to see that the bracelet had been untied and must've come loose. "Thank you." She said, grabbing it from his only hand. "I would help you put it on, however..." He said, looking at his tied hand and missing hand.

"Come on... We need to keep going." Dream said, glancing at the others, who kept walking, not sticking around for the interaction.

"Are you always so demanding?" Hook asked, with a smirk, as they started to walk again. "Don't get me wrong, I find it intriguing, love." He said, making her scoff at him.

"Do you think a sexy smirk and flirty remarks will work? You lied to us." Dream scoffed, looking forward. "So, you think my smirk is sexy?" He asked, raising his brow, when Dream scoffed to herself, shaking her head. "Where did you get the bracelet? Your mother?" Hook asked, making Dream look at him, putting the bracelet in her pocket.

"Someone back home..." She said, still looking ahead.

"An old lover?" He asked, furrowing his brows, making Dream chuckle. "Uh, no... No." She said, looking at him. "A man that I once knew... He gave it to me as a birthday present." Dream said, looking ahead again.

"Ah..." Hook said, seeing that she would not talk. But he did not blame her; he had not given her any reason to trust him. 

Hook continued to watch her while they headed to the beanstalk. She was the way to get his revenge, either way. If she helped him get to Storybrooke, he could use her to get to the Dark One. Or if he went back to his deal with Cora, Cora wanted her granddaughter to come with her. But Cora would never let him harm her to get to the Dark One.

"Are you close with this man? The one who gave you the bracelet?" Hook asked, making Dream look at him as they followed behind the others.

"You have so many questions for a man who lied to us..." Dream scoffed when Hook stopped, making her stop, sighing as she crossed her arms. "No... There's your answer. No, I do not speak to this man who betrayed my mother and me." Dream sighed when she realized that he wasn't going to stop. "And why are you so fascinated? It's a piece of jewelry?" Dream asked him.

"Because I know the previous owner, love... And for no sentimental attachment, you wear it, why?" Hook said when Dream sighed, knowing that he meant Gold.

"I don't know... I just do. Can we please go now? I want to get home to my mom and brother without delays." Dream sighed when Hook started to walk again, seeing the girl was clearly upset. 

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