Page 50: Gold Versus Hook:

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Belle and Dream ran up the stairs on the deck, hoping to get off before Hook could catch up to him. The two of them stopped when Hook jumped in front of them. "How'd you--" Belle started to stutter when she looked nervous. "Oh, I know this ship like the back of my... Well, you know." Hook smirked, motioning to his silver hook. "I suggest you give that back to me now." Hook said to Belle, referring to the shawl.

"Or what?"

The three of them turned to see Gold. "Oh... You look different in this world, crocodile." Hook smirked, looking at the man he spent most of his life planning to kill. "Like the coward, I met so long ago. Limp and all." Hook continued to taunt while Gold walked closer to him, using his cane.

"And yet, you still can't kill me." Gold corrected when Belle held onto Dream's hand, keeping the girl back.

"Let's have it, Dark One. What magic are you going to hide behind today?" Hook asked, taunting him, making Gold chuckle. "Oh, no, not magic..." Gold said, using his can to whack Hook in the face.

"Hook!" Dream exclaimed, about to run to his side, but Belle held her back.

Gold started to hit Hook with the cane when Belle dragged Dream over, trying to stop Gold. "Rumple! Hey, let's go! Let's go! Let's go..." Belle tried to stop him, but Dream watched her birth father hit Hook repeatedly. "No, not yet, Belle." Gold said, hitting Hook again as Hook groaned from the pain.

"Stop it!" Dream yelled at him, seeing Hook's bloody nose and split lip.

"This! This is what you came for. And we found Dream..." Belle tried to say, holding out the shawl. "This is what's going to get you back to Bae," Belle said when Gold stopped, seeing the fear in his daughter's face.

"Please... Stop this." Dream begged when Gold looked at the girl, who feared him. "You're wasting your breath, love. He can't resist. He has to prove that he's not a coward." Hook said when Dream looked at him, sighing as she felt her heart drop to her stomach.

"You might want to turn away, Belle. This isn't going to be pretty." Gold said when Belle looked annoyed, watching Gold hit Hook again.

"Do it. Do it, kill me." Hook encouraged when Gold stopped hitting him for a moment. "He has to show you how powerful he is." Hook chuckled, looking at Belle and Dream.

"No, Rumple. This is what he wants... To destroy every bit of good in you." Belle said, making Gold look at her. "Good in him? He's a monster." Dream scoffed when Gold looked hurt by his daughter's words.

"Rip my heart out. Kill me like you did, Milah. And then, I'll finally be reunited with her." Hook said, making Dream sigh to herself.

Gold dropped his cane, looking at the two of them. "He has to die, Belle." Gold said, moving to take Hook's heart. "No! No, he doesn't... There's still good in you. I see it. I've always seen it. Please. Please show me I'm not wrong. Show your daughter that you are a good man." Belle tried, but Gold kept reaching for Hook's heart.

"Stop it!" Dream said when she saw Hook wince from Gold reaching into his chest. Her nose started to bleed when Gold was flung back by a blast of magic that came from Dream. Gold looked up when he saw Dream drop to her knees, exhausted after the blast, when Belle rushed over to help Gold stand up.

With the help of Belle, Gold stood up, watching Dream use the last bit of energy she had to check on Hook. Dream helped Hook sit up when Gold looked furious. "You take your little ship and sail until you fall off the edge of the world. I never want to see you again." Gold threatened, looking at Hook, before leaving with Belle.

Dream returned with a bowl and some cloths, walking back to the Captain's Quarters. Hook was sitting on his bed, wiping his nose with a cloth. "Here... Let me." Dream said, sitting the bowl of water on the side of the bed before sitting by Hook to wipe the blood from his face.

Hook watched her, looking into her eyes as she focused on wiping the blood underneath his nose. When she moved to wet the cloth again, he took it from her hand, using the clean side to wipe her nose this time.

"I thought I was cleaning you up?" She smirked at him when he lowered the cloth.

"Oh, I won't fight you on that, love..." He smirked, hanging her back the cloth when she wiped it over his split lip. "So... You loved Milah?" Dream asked when she lowered the cloth, making Hook look at her.

"I did..." He said softly, looking at her.

"Is she the only woman you loved?" Dream asked, causing him to chuckle. "I suppose." He shrugged when she nodded, returning to wiping the blood off his face.

When Dream finished cleaning off his face, she put the bowl and cloths on a table in the room. She stood around the table, seeing maps and coordinates, when Hook noticed her standing up behind her. He turned her around, smirking at her. "We never got to finish our little chat earlier..." He smirked when she scoffed out a chuckle, rolling her eyes.

"Really? I don't believe we were talking too much." Dream smirked, biting her bottom lip.

Hook smirked when he leaned in to kiss her again. The small kiss turned into a makeout session when Hook picked Dream up, sitting her on top of the table. They continued to kiss until Dream's phone started to ring. Dream pulled away, reaching in her pocket.

"It's my mom... I have to get back." Dream sighed, looking at her text message.

"Do you have to?" He asked, raising a brow at her.

"I'm sorry..." She said, pecking his lips, before getting off the table and heading up the stairs, when Hook smirked, knowing that he had her where he wanted. Under his "spell."

~season 2, episode 11: "The Outsider"~

~1013 words~

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