Page 43: Interrogations:

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Emma called Regina into the interrogation room with David while Mary Margaret and Dream stood on the other side of the one-way glass. Regina sat there when she looked up at Emma and David walked in.

"Glad to see the sheriff's station is now a family business. Why am I here?" Regina asked calmly while David closed the door behind them.

"You know why you're here. Because of Archie." Emma said, standing across the wooden table. "Oh, it's now against the law to get into an argument with someone?" Regina asked, scoffing a bit.

"It is if you go to their office later that night and kill them," David said, crossing his arms over his chest while sitting on the edge of a cabinet by the one-way glass.

Emma watched as Regina's face softened to an astonished, sad look. "Archie's dead?" She asked when Emma looked at Regina, noticing that she genuinely looked upset. "Stop it, Regina," David scoffed when he did not notice the look on her face. "Ruby saw you going into his office last night." He continued to say, making Regina look at him.

"Then she's lying. I was home all evening. Dream can tell you, my car was there when she got home." Regina said when Emma sighed, looking down.

"Dream has been staying at Granny's B & B..." Emma said when Regina looked up, furrowing her brows.

"What do you mean? My daughter has been home?" Regina asked when she looked between David and Emma. "Granny and Ruby have confirmed that she came over there two days ago when she came crying..." Emma explained that Regina looked upset and did not believe Emma. 

Emma moved to sit on the desk when Regina moved in her seat. "After everything I've done to change, to win Henry back, for my daughter to trust me... why would I toss it all away now? And if I did, and I was going to kill Archie, you would never know it..." Regina said, looking between them as David moved to lean on the desk. "The fact that he's dead and you caught me shows sloppiness." Regina continued, making David scoff as he stood up again.

"You've been caught before," David said, making Regina look at him, sighing to herself. "Come on, Emma. Who do you think is lying? Ruby or her? She's incapable of change, no matter how many times we've given her the chance. Why should this time be any different?" David asked, making Regina look at the glass that only showed them in the room.

"I can't be here..." Dream sighed, walking away from the glass.

Dream headed to the dock, seeing Hook staring by the water, where his cloaked boat was. "Did you kill him?" Dream asked, standing behind Hook. "Did I kill who, love?" He asked, still looking out to the water. "Don't you dare lie to me! They are framing my mother!" Dream raised her voice, making Hook turn around to look at the distressed girl.

"I will repeat my question... Kill who?" Hook asked, calmly, walking closer to Dream.

"Archie... Um... Jiminy Cricket." Dream said when Hook raised his brow. "I haven't killed no one, love... You really think I spent years trying to kill the Dark One and would waste my time to kill a cricket?" Hook asked her when Dream scoffed at his comment.

"Then where's Cora. If it wasn't you, then it has to be her." Dream spat, when Hook smirked at her feisty behavior.

"Don't know... We have different agendas since we have arrived. Why don't you find her and ask her yourself?" Hook smirked at her, making her scoff at him. Dream started to walk away, but Hook stopped her. "But... Since you're here, and I am still here, without anyone knowing... I must ask why you haven't told anyone?" Hook asked, making Dream stop to look at him.

"How do you know that I didn't?" Dream asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know you haven't... Or Emma would already have tried to stop us," Hook smirked when Dream rolled her eyes. "Well, they'll all know now." Dream scoffed, stomping off back to the sheriff's station.


"So, what do we do with her now?" Mary Margaret asked when David and Emma left Regina in the room. "Lock her up..." David sighed, crossing his arms, when Emma looked around, not seeing Dream.

"Where's Dream?" Emma asked her mother.

"She couldn't watch... I don't blame her... Archie was her and Henry's therapist for years. Dream was about four when she started seeing him." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at Regina. "So, where locking her up..." David said, making Emma look at him.

"We can't lock her up because she didn't do it," Emma said, making both of her parents look back at her. "You really believe her?" David asked Emma, clearly shocked about what she just said. "I watched her when we told her Archie was dead. She didn't know... Just like she didn't know that Dream hadn't been home." Emma said to David, when Mary Margaret sighed, looking between them.

"Emma, I know that you want to believe that Regina can change for Henry, but--"

"I know what I saw. Loook at her in there." Emma said as her parents looked at the glass at Regina, who looked upset from the news. "The old Regina would have reduced this building to ashes. That's a woman who wants to change. She just wants everyone else to see it. I know that look... I know her. I believe her." Emma said, making her dad sighed.

"With all due respect, you don't know her like we do... And why would Dream come to Granny crying because she couldn't stay with her mother?" David said, when Emma sighed to her. "Maybe that's the problem. I know in your kingdom she was the Evil Queen. But here she's Regina. And I'm still the sheriff. And I say she's innocent until proven guilty." Emma sighed, pausing for a second. "And Ruby said that Dream somehow found out that her mom lied about her actual father... She didn't say who it was." Emma said, looking between her parents.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" Mary Margaret asked, when Emma sighed to herself.

"Let her go."

"Emma--" David went to say, but Emma stopped him. "We let her go. And then we find the truth." Emma said as her parents nodded, hesitantly.

~season 2, episode 10: "The Cricket Game"~

~1057 words~

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