Page 48: Obedience:

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*A Few Moments Earlier*

"You know there is a thing called knocking at the front door, Hook..." Dream said when she picked up her room, getting stuff to bring to her mother, who was hiding in her vault. "But no one but you knows that I am here... So, simply climbing through your window seems the most logical." Hook smirked when Dream looked up at him.

"What do you want? I must bring this stuff to my mother, who is hiding because of you and my grandmother." Dream said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"A truce, love." He said, reaching into his satchel when Dream carefully grabbed the dagger on her nightstand, but Hook pulled out a silver flask. "A flask? You do know that I am underage..." Dream asked when Hook smirked, reaching her the flask.

"How young are we talking?" He smirked when she scoffed at him.

"Nineteen... And how old are you?" Dream asked when she took the flask. "I spent many years in Neverland, where one does not age... Then twenty-eight years froze by your mother's curse. I'd say a hundred or so... But that doesn't stop me being devilishly handsome." Hook said when he walked closer to Dream, raising her hand and pulling the flask up to her lips. "One drink shouldn't hurt..." He smirked when she gave in, taking a sip when she suddenly pulled it away as his eyes turned into a glowing blue before they went back to normal.

"What was that?" Dream asked, feeling weird when she looked at Hook.

"Just a little spell to help ease your mind..." Hook smirked, lying to Dream when Dream handed him the flask back. "Do you know anything useful that I could use to get the Dark One?" He asked when Dream felt odd, but she moved over, pulling out Henry's book from her desk, when she opened it to a certain page, pointing to the picture of a young boy.

"Henry's book says that he had a son... Baelfire." Dream said, looking up when Hook smirked. 

"Brilliant, love... Come with me. I might need you to be more useful soon."

*Present Time*

Rumple hit a relic ship with his cane out of frustration. "Rumple! Rumple, stop it. Stop! Please." Belle pleaded, grabbing onto his arm to stop him. "Belle, you're right... I have to retrieve what's mine." Gold said, heading towards the door, but Belle rushed to stop him. "Let me help you," Belle said, holding onto his arm.

"This is my fight," Gold exclaimed, raising his voice out of frustration.

"And this is my fault. If Hook had never attacked me, you never would have left the shop." Belle sighed, making him scoff at her. "How do you propose that we get the shawl back? Have you dueled with a pirate before? How exactly are you gonna help me?" Gold asked as his tone kept getting increasingly angry.

"Well, I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing!" She scoffed at him.

"No. You're going to go back to the library... lock the door, and wait for me to dispense with this problem. And try to call my daughter." Gold suggested, causing Belle to scoff. "And if I don't? You will cast some spell that gives me no choice?" Belle asked him, scoffing at the way he was acting.

"No... The spell of obedience is a tricky and harsh potion to brew. And I trust you'll do as I wish, as you trust me to be a better man. Belle, please. Hook has maybe cost me the chance of finding my son. Possibly going after my daughter. I don't want to lose you, too." He said before calming down a bit to walk around her. "Here, look." He said, moving behind one of the broken counters. "I want you to take this, just in case Hook is stupid enough to come after you again. Point this, pull this trigger, and the gun will do the rest for you, all right?" Gold said, pulling out a silver pistol. "All right?" He asked when she nervously looked at the pistol.

"Yes, yes." She nodded, still looking at the pistol when he turned to walk out. "Wait..." Belle said, stopping him before he could open the door. "Promise me that you going after Hook is just about getting the shawl back," Belle said when Gold did not say anything before opening the door and walking out of the shop, leaving Belle.

Belle returned to the library, putting up the books that fell from the rack, trying to call Dream, but there was no response. Belle put her phone down when she saw a tied rope knot with the fallen books.

She quickly got up when she looked for a book, "From the keel up: A nautical guide." It was basically a handbook on rope knots. She opened it, scanning through the pictures of instructions, before seeing the same knot, The Monkey's Fist. "Hook came here on his ship." Belle smiled when she figured it out.

Meanwhile, Gold headed out, hiding at the corner of the bar called The Rabbit Hole. He waved his hand when Smee came around the corner, throwing him up to the wall. "Leaving town, Mr. Smee?" Gold asked when Smee dropped his bag to the ground while he was flung up to the brick wall. Gold turned around to face him, seeing the man look terrified. "I spared your life..." He scoffed at Smee, still holding his hand up, choking the man. "And this is how you repay me? That object you stole from me, I want it back." Gold said when Smee grunted from the strangling.

"I gave it to Hook." Smee stuttered out, and his face was red from the lack of airflow.

"And where is he?" Gold asked him.

"I don't know," Smee muttered again. "We met on a rooftop. He didn't tell me anything. He had a girl with him... but he wouldn't tell me her name." Smee tried to explain while Gold still choked him with his magic. "And why would he? Hook knows exactly what you are, Mr. Smee. A sniveling rat." Gold said before turning Smee into a rat. Gold moved the red beanie, seeing a rat where Smee was. "Now, scurry off." He threatened when the rat started to run away, leaving the hat that Rumple spelled, testing out his potion to get over the town line.

Belle headed to the docks, but she did not see any boats that would belong to a ruthless pirate. "Where is it?" She asked, continuing to walk on the dock, hearing the wind hitting the boards, the smell of the water and fish, and the sound of the seagulls calling out to each other.

She stopped when she kept hearing a creaking noise and looking around. She followed the noise to her side when she looked up, seeing a few seagulls flying in the sky until one of them perched onto something invisible. She looked to her other side, seeing the feed that they gave to the seagulls. She grabbed a handful, throwing it to the other side when she saw invisible steps that were showing from the seed. "Found you." She chuckled to herself before carefully walking up the steps until she went through the cloaking spell, seeing Hook's ship, The Jolly Roger.

~season 2, episode 11: "The Outsider"~

~1213 words~

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