Page 66: When You Wish Upon A Star...

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"Neal?" Emma asked again when the two of them started to stand up.

"I don't understand. What are you doing here?" Neal asked, lowering his hood while Emma dusted off herself. "What am I doing here?" Emma asked him when she seemed too emotional to think at this moment. "Yeah..." He nodded when she scoffed at him.

"I'm not answering anything until you tell me the truth," Emma said when Neal looked confused about what she was implying. "Are you Gold's son?" Emma asked, making Neal even more confused.

"What are you talking about? Who's Gold?"

"You played me. You're from there." Emma scoffed at him, ignoring his questions. "You played me, and he played me. You both played me... You and Gold..." Emma kept saying when Neal tried to stop her so he could understand what she was saying.

"Okay, Emma, slow down. Slow down. What are you talking about? Who's Gold?" He asked her.

"Your father. Rumpelstiltskin." Emma said, making Neal's eyes widen when he heard a name he had not heard in years.

The two of them went silent for a bit when Neal tried to process what she said while Emma tried to process everything. "He's here?" Neal asked her, making her scoff at him. "Why else would I be in New York?" Emma asked Neal when he started to get upset. "You brought him to me? Why would you do that--" Neal started to raise his voice.

"Hey! I am the only one allowed to be angry here." Emma said, raising her voice at him. "Did you know who I was? Where I was from? The whole time?" Emma started to ask him, sounding angry, while Neal stopped, looking at how upset she was. "Was this just some sort of sick, twisted plan? Did you even care about me at all?" Emma continued to ask him while Neal sighed to himself.

"Emma, Emma..."

"No, I wanna know. I want the truth. All of it--"

"All right!" Neal yelled, making her stop asking questions as he looked around to see if anyone was watching them. "Okay, fine! We gotta get off the street. We can't do it here, out in the open. I've spent a lifetime running from that man. I'm not gonna let him catch me." Neal looked around when they both got a chance to catch their breath. "There's a bar down the street; we can talk there," Neal said, about to head down the street.

"I am not drinking with you. Whatever you're gonna tell me, tell me now." Emma demanded, still raising her voice at Neal.

"No, bar's better... Don't worry; you can keep yelling at me when we get there." Neal said, walking off when Emma scoffed to herself, but she followed him, anyway.

*Storybrooke, Maine*

Dream was in the kitchen, making something to eat while she was humming to herself. Hook walked downstairs while Cora and Regina continued to talk upstairs. Hook looked around at all of the photos of Dream growing up. He chuckled when he saw a picture of Dream dressed up as a pirate while Henry was a knight. It was a Halloween photo, but Hook did not know what Halloween was.

"When you wish upon a star... Makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you." Dream started to hum when Hook leaned on the door frame of the kitchen. Her back was turned as she was making grilled cheese on the stove. "If your heart is in your dream. No request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star... as dreamers do." Dream continued to hum when she placed a sandwich on a plate, before putting butter on another slice of bread.

"Fate is kind... She brings to those who love. The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing... Like a bolt out of the blue. Fate steps in and sees you through. When you wish upon a star... your dreams come true." Dream continued to sing lightly.

"I did not know you had such a sweet voice." Hook smirked, making Dream turn around to look at him.

"How long were you there?" Dream asked when she just went back to making the grilled cheese sandwiches. "Long enough... And I believe a "thank you" will suffice for a simple compliment." Hook smirked when he moved over to her.

"Thank you." Dream smiled sarcastically when she looked up at Hook, flipping her sandwich. 

"That's a lovely song... Where did you learn it?" Hook asked, leaning on the counter, when Dream sighed, putting the other sandwich on another plate. "It was off of an animated movie I used to watch... Pinocchio. It was apparently based on Marco, his son... Mother Superior and Dr. Hopper..." Dream said when she turned off the stove before moving to put the bread and butter up. "Mom used to sing it to me whenever I was sick. Then I sang it to Henry when he was sick or had nightmares." Dream explained as she put the butter in the fridge before pulling out a water bottle. "You want water? Or apple juice?" Dream asked, raising her brow at Hook.

"I don't trust your mother with anything that has to do with apples." Hook said, causing Dream to chuckle, shaking her head.

"Right... The poison apple. Gotcha..." Dream sighed when she took out a water bottle, passing it to Hook when she moved to put a plate in front of him. "What is this?" Hook asked, lifting up the plate to look at the sandwich. "Grilled cheese. Only the best sandwich in the world." Dream smiled when she leaned on the counter, eating her grilled cheese.

Hook hesitated before he picked up the sandwich, taking a bite. He raised his brows, actually enjoying it. Dream chuckled at his face when she moved to open his water bottle since he only had one hand. "Told you." Dream smirked at him when she looked down at her phone, seeing another message.

"Look. This guy has balloons shaped as different animals."

Dream chuckled to herself, seeing the photo and text Henry sent her over Emma's phone. "What's so funny, love?" Hook asked as he continued to enjoy his sandwich. "Henry... He's been texting me over Emma's phone. And he just found balloon animals." Dream smiled, looking up to see Hook confused. "You know, balloons... the ones that fly up in the air, in the shape of animals... Never mind." Dream sighed to herself when she turned off her phone.

*New York City, New York*

"Don't worry. Emma's really good at catching people." Henry smiled, putting Emma's phone in his pocket while he ate a hotdog that Gold had bought him.

Gold turned to the boy, sighing to himself. "Well, my son has been running away for a long time... now. And now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it." Gold sighed when Henry gave him a sympathetic smile. "Well, at least we found him, right?" Henry asked as Gold nodded at the boy. "Indeed." Gold said as he started to look around, waiting to see Emma.

"Oh, and thanks. For the hotdog. I forgot." Henry said, making Gold look back at him. "Dream would like it. She's always wanted to try hotdogs and pizza from New York." Henry smiled, making Gold smile a bit.

"You are quite welcome. And thank you." Gold smiled at him.

"For what?" 

"Well, if it wasn't for you bringing Emma to Storybrooke..." Gold started to say as they walked away from the hotdog stand. "...none of this would have come to pass. You are a remarkable young man." Gold smiled at him, but Henry stopped walking to look at him.

"You know, I forgave her... Emma. For giving me up. She thought it was the best for me, then. That's why she did it. I'm sure your son... and Dream will get it, too. I know that Dream's just hurt right now." Henry smiled, trying to reassure Gold, who sighed to himself. "Alas, the circumstances surrounding our separation weren't quite so noble, with my son... And I was selfish when it came to my daughter. I felt that I could not raise her as the wonderful young lady that she grew up to be." Gold sighed, looking around when Henry smiled a bit.

"But you're here now. And you want them back, right?" Henry asked as Gold nodded at the boy.

"More than anything."

"Then, that's all that matters." Henry smiled at him when Gold nodded, smiling at the boy, who had hope. Something that Gold needed in his life.

~season 2, episode 14: "Manhattan"~

~1406 words~

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