Page 83: One Life for Another:

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Meanwhile, Gold's name was slowly disappearing from the dagger, while Cora finally broke the barrier. She walked into the back room when Emma and Neal held up their weapons, ready to fight, while Emma held back Dream.

"You two, out of the way," Cora said, waving her hand to make Emma and Neal appear in the middle of the woods. "Dream... Honey. Go wait by the door." Cora smirked at her granddaughter, who obedied by heading to the front door.

"A vision told me about you... Told me this day would come. But it didn't tell me everything. It didn't tell me what I really wanted to know." Gold said weakly as Cora moved to sit on the side of the bed with him. "And what's that?" Cora asked him. "Did you ever love me?" Gold asked her, not knowing that Dream had heard this from the other room.

"Gross..." Dream scoffed to herself when she could not imagine her grandmother and her father. 

"Why do you think I had to rip my own heart out?" Cora asked him, moving her hand to cup his cheek. "You were my weakness... You were the only man I ever truly loved." Cora confessed, moving her hand.

She stood up, holding the dagger up, but before she could stab him, Regina pushed Cora's heart back in her chest when Dream could suddenly rush to the back room. Cora gasped, dropping the dagger, when Gold looked shocked, suddenly feeling less weak. Cora turned to look at Regina, then Dream. She smiled brightly, making Regina tear up from being so happy.

"Mother." She smiled when she reached her hand out to Dream.

Cora chuckled when she moved her hand to Dream's cheek. Her smile faded when she suddenly gasped, feeling a pain in her chest. She lifted her flapped cooler to see a hole in her shirt with the blood and poison as Gold had. She dropped to the floor when Regina and Dream rushed to her side.

"Mother? Oh! Mother? What's wrong?" Regina asked, holding Cora, who was struggling to breathe.

Cora smiled weakly, looking at Regina, then Dream. "This would have been enough," Cora said, sobbing when she looked at Regina. "You... You would have been enough." She said, before closing her eyes, when Dream covered her mouth, sad and yet confused.

"Mother?" Regina asked.

"What's going on?" Dream asked when she and Regina turned to Gold, who now looked healthy and was standing up.

"Mother... Don't leave me, please." Regina cried, holding Cora's lifeless body. "What am I going to do?" Regina continued to cry as Dream cried, watching her mother.

"Your mother did you no favors." Gold said, making Regina look at him angrily.

"Shut up! You stole her life! You cast some spell." Regina cried, looking at him, when Gold moved to place his hand on Dream's shoulder, seeing that she was upset. "I did nothing." Gold said when Regina looked back at her mother.

"Regina! Stop!"

Mary Margaret and David rushed into the room, making Regina look up at Mary Margaret, who looked guilty. "You did this," Regina said as her eyes darkened from her anger. Mary Margaret was the one who said that Cora needed her heart. She caused this.

~season 2, episode 16: "The Miller's Daughter"~

~534 words~

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