Page 65: Surprises:

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*New York City, New York*

Gold, Emma, and Henry got out of the taxi to the building where Gold said his son was. "What's wrong? This the right place?" Emma asked as Gold looked worried, looking at the building. "Yes, it is." Gold said when Emma looked at him, worried. "Let me guess; he's not expecting you? You tend to do that with your kids, don't you?" Emma asked as Gold did not answer when he looked around. "Well, who doesn't love a surprise?" Emma sighed, walking towards the building with Henry as Gold trailed behind.

*Storybrooke, Maine*

"What is it, sweetie?" Cora asked, rubbing Regina's back while they sat on Regina's bed. "It's Henry. Emma left town with Gold, and she took him with her." Regina sighed, glancing over at Dream, standing by, and looking out the window. "And you didn't stop them?" Cora asked her, dropping her hand from Regina's back.

"I didn't know until after they'd gone." Regina sighed, looking at her mother.

"I'm sure he's safe... And as soon as Gold's done, Henry will be back." Cora tried to reassure, making Regina sigh. "But not with me." Regina sighed, looking over to Dream, who kept checking her phone. Little did Regina know that Henry was using Emma's phone to tell her that he was okay and that he got Cinnabons. 

"Back from where?"

Cora and Regina looked to the door, seeing Hook leaning on the doorway. "Where has Rumpelstiltskin gone?" Hook asked when Dream turned to look at them, turning her phone off. "I don't know..." Regina sighed, looking at him.

"To find my brother... Half-brother." Dream spoke up, making them look at her. 

"Well, if he's left town, then he's powerless. He can be killed." Hook looked at Dream, who seemed to be different from him. It was like her walls were built back up, like in the Enchanted Forest. "The moment either of us leave, we lose our magic. And our advantage." Cora said when she looked at Regina, then Dream, who also possessed magic. "And your memories?" Hook asked, knowing what happened when Belle crossed the town line.

"None of us were victims of the curse... Dream was born after the fact, so even she's safe." Regina explained when Hook looked over to Dream, who was looking at her mother. "It's not about memories. It's about magic." Regina said, making Hook look at her.

"Well, I don't need magic. I'll go after him... alone." Hook said, going to leave when Regina stood up. 

"Even if you could find him, do you really think you can just walk up to him and stab him in the heart with your sword?" Regina asked, looking at Hook, arms crossed over her chest. "Well, I prefer my hook, but I can't find that now." Hook scoffed when Dream looked at him. 

"You're not going anywhere," Cora spoke up, still sitting on the bed.

"I deserve my vengeance." Hook fought, looking at Cora in frustration.

"You're right. You're right; you do. And with the Dark One gone, we can search for the one magical item that can actually kill him here." Cora said when Dream looked up at them. 

"His dagger." Dream spoke up, making them look at her. They watched as her bracelet glowed when it showed when she read Rumpelstiltskin's story when he turned into the Dark One. It revealed the drawing of his dagger. "Exactly." Cora smiled, looking at her granddaughter. 

*New York City, New York*

"No, Baelfire." Henry sighed when they all looked at the names of the apartment rooms.

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't fly as an alias..." Emma sighed when Henry moved over to the mailboxes, seeing what he could find. "Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" Emma asked when Gold leaned forward to see the apartment numbers.

"It doesn't work that way." Gold scoffed at Emma, who was still clueless about magic.

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asked, looking back at Gold. "Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no." Gold sighed when Emma found a number with no name.

"Here's your boy," Emma said, pointing to the number 407.

"Well, or it could just be vacant." Gold sighed, looking at Emma. "You might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't wanna be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." Emma said to Gold before pushing the doorbell buzzer. "UPS package for 407," Emma said when she heard whoever press the button to listen. 

The speaker went dead when Henry sighed, looking at his mother. "Maybe you should have said FedEx?" Henry suggested when Emma sighed to herself. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from outside. It sounded like something from the fire escape. "He's running," Emma said before they rushed outside.

They watched as a man with his hood up rushed down the fire escape before jumping onto the sidewalk and running. "That favor you owe me, this is it. Get him to talk to me. I can't run." Gold said, making Emma sigh to herself. "Watch Henry. I'll be back." Emma said, before running half a block, only to tackle the man, causing them both to fall.

Emma grunted as she winced from the fall, only to look up and see a ghost from her past. "No..." She sighed to herself, not believing her eyes. "Neal?" She asked, seeing her old boyfriend and Henry's father.

"Emma?" He asked, shocked to see her, too.

~season 2, episode 14: "Manhattan"~

~909 words~

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