Page 46: Hook Goes After Belle:

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*A Little Bit Later*

Belle smiled as she walked into the library that Mr. Gold gave her, so she could do what she loved. Read books all day. She started to pick up books, moving them to the shelves that they go, when she noticed Hook, standing off to the side, smirking as he held a book, The Frog Prince.

"Uh... Sorry, the library's not open yet." Belle said politely, but she was confused about how he got in.

"Oh..." Hook said, looking at her as he put the book on the shelf to his right. "I'm not here for the book, love." He smirked when Belle recognized him from their land. "You? You're the one who broke into my cell at the Queen's palace." She said, making Hook smirk once more before she started to run away.

She stopped when she got by the desk because there was just a rack of books in between them. "You wanted to kill Rumpelstiltskin..." Belle sighed, looking frightened. "Oh, I still do. But right now, I'll settle for you. And well... I am particularly fond of my other option..." He smirked at Belle, who still looked scared. 

He moved to walk around the books, but she pushed the rack on top of him before running to the elevator. The doors opened, just in time, before Hook pushed it off of him. He charged towards the elevator, but it closed, shutting in his face. He pounded on the door when Belle pulled her phone out, holding herself on the far back wall.

"Hey, Belle." Gold said when he answered the phone.

"Rumple. I'm in the elevator. There's a man here. He broke in. He wants to kill me." Belle said quietly while Hook continued to pound on the door. "Belle, you're breaking up. Who's in the library?" Gold asked, hearing static and her voice breaking up over the phone. "A pirate," Belle said, hoping he could hear her.


"He's missing a hand..." Belle tried to explain, hoping Gold would know who it was.


"Hello?" Belle asked, but when she got no reply, she hung up out of frustration while Hook continued to bang on the door.

Gold rushed to the library, seeing the rack on the ground when he opened the door. "Belle? It's okay, it's okay... It's okay." He said when she ran into his arms. When they pulled apart, Gold wrapped his suit jacket around her shoulders. "Where is he?" Belle asked, sounding frantic and worried.

"I don't know. But you have nothing to fear; I'm here now." Gold said, reassuring her when Belle hugged him again.

"We have to go... He mentioned someone else." Belle said, pulling away from him. "Who?" Gold asked her when he furrowed his brows. "I can only assume your daughter... Dream." Belle said when Gold looked worried.

~season 2, episode 11: "The Outsider"~

~467 words~

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