33. Seargent "move it"

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Aleida POV

We work hard to sort, clean, and pack all the gadgets we want to bring to the packhouse. The house is full of music, laughter, and chatter during the hours we work together. When the night comes, I send them all away, there's only one room left, and it's my bedroom; that's a room I want to pack alone in peace.

I have to carry all my clothes upstairs again after the boys carry them down. Now maybe I can finally go through them without Kian playing with my underwear. He's a real baby sometimes! When I sit on the floor in my bedroom with a pile of underwear in front of me, I hear a thud from downstairs.

Carefully I get up from the floor and paw my way out of the room. My breathing subsides, and my heartbeat is almost nonexistent- my gaze slips over the living room slowly, hoping to locate where the sound comes from. It's still quiet.

I'm just about to turn around to go back to the room when a bang comes from the kitchen. Without thinking, I run down to the kitchen, ready for attack no matter who it is. The problem is, there's no one here.

I turn around and get a blow to my head that made me fall back onto the floor; I try to get up without success. A dark-haired man stands above me, growling in warning. Every time I try to get up, he pushes me back to the floor. My body boils out of anger.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you want!?" I yell at him, and he hits me in the face because I talk back to him.

"How dare you address me without permission!? Don't you recognize your superiors when you see them, girl?" he screams back; another man enters the room; the smell hits me; they're vampires.

"You can't hurt her," the newcomer says.

"I won't; I just want to play a little with her, test her limits."

"We need her alive and healthy; the king needs her to carry his descendant," the newcomer says, and the man over me hisses at me while the other sniffs the air.

"We can't take her with us, Howard."

"And why can't we, Roland?" Howard asks, and the man, apparently named Roland, whispers something in his ear, making his eyes widen by astonishment.

"Are you already pregnant, whore!?" Howards shouts.

Wait, what? Am I pregnant? Since when? And who the hell is this king who expects me to carry his descendant in my body without my permission!?

"We simply have to come back after she has given birth," Roland says.

Howard growls at me before getting up from the floor and follows Roland out of the house. The door closes with a bang while I feel the blood flowing from my back, nose, and mouth. My only thought is the life inside my womb; my baby. With shaky fingers, I manage to fish up my phone from my pants and dial Killian's number. He responds to the second signal.

"Hello girl, do you already miss us? Are you done yet? We're all here waiting for you," he says, and it's hard for me to breathe; I don't know why.

"Help me..." I wheeze.

"Aleida? Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?"


"To the house, now!" Killian yelled at the others, and I hear the conversation in the background.

"What? why?"

"Vampires, Aleida."

The call disconnects, and the only thing I can do is wait for them to show up. I don't know how long I lie there on the floor. What feels like hours can easily be a few minutes. The only thing that keeps me alive right now is the knowledge of my pup inside my stomach.

Big girls don't cry (Aleida series #1)Where stories live. Discover now