Chapter 13

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I set my fork down and look down the table towards my sister, she nods. I clear my throat and look at Alexander. "Brother, I assume you know why I have come."

"I have my speculations. I have only heard rumors of what has happened in your country. So tell me, what has happened?"

"As you know, there was a 'competition' after my late wife Alexandrina passed away to decide whom my next wife would be. After three months and following Alexandrina's last wish, I chose the former Lady Isabella Parr to be my queen. Aral did not take kindly to my choice of a wife. They viewed it as an insult to the Crown Princess Okami Akane. Aral declared war on Asura on the day of my wife's coronation. We have since, been fighting on three fronts alongside our allies in Safire and Umen. I have come to you, to ask for your help in ending this war as soon as we are able to."

"You say that you were following Alexandrina's last wish, what was it?"

"She wished that when I remarry, I marry for love, and not for political advances."

"So you love this Isabella Victoria Parr?"

"I do."

"Prove it."

Phillipa drops her fork, "Alexander! You cannot-"

"I know what I do, Phillipa. Prove it, Edward."

I think for a minute, "I know not how to prove myself. She is mere dila, mere atma, my heart and my soul. My favorite person in the world, sorry Pippa. We have gotten into many arguments because I refuse to put her into a position where she could be injured and she hates being put into a position where she feels trapped, her personal guard."

"You have passed. I see it in your face when you speak of her. I will help you fight this war."

"Thank you, Alexander."

He nods and returns his attention to his dessert. I turn to face my sister, "Pippa, where are your children?"

"In the nursery, it is quite late for them to still be awake."

"I see, I wish to see them before I leave."

"When do you leave?"

"As soon as I am able to. I do not wish to leave Isabella alone, and Lord only knows what Goodrick, Maycott, and Skern will try to do in my absence."

Her brows furrow, "Who?"

"Council members, I have written to you about them before."

"I see... but, you never hesitated to leave Alexandrina in charge during your absences. Why do you worry?"

"I do not hesitate in leaving Isabella in charge of Asura, she is strong-willed and wise in ruling a country; but she was not raised in the way of ruling as Alexandrina was."

Alexander waves for a servant to refill his goblet, "You need not worry Edward."

"Excuse me, Alexander?"

"This is why you marry a strong-willed woman if she has a strong of a will as you and Phillipa say she has... well I would fear more for the lives of the men in your council, than what ruin they could bring to your country."

"Thank you."


Pippa and I walk down the hall towards the nursery, talking in hushed voices. "Edward, I was thinking, I want my children to meet Isabella."

I smile, "As one would."

"I want them to meet her soon."

"I don't follow."

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