Chapter 23

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I brush dark curls off of his forehead, watching his chest rise and fall as the sound of bustling doctors starting their day fills the hospital wing. "'Morning darling." Sleep clings to his features and voice as he opens his eyes.

"Hey, good morning. How's your side?"

"It could be better."

"You should speak to Hale."

"I'm sure he will send everything to my study."

"This is about your health, not your country." Exasperation lies in my voice.

"Speaking of Asura, I have a lot of work to do."


    The wooden door is pushed open. Elizabeth Archer stands in the doorway, her brow furrowed. "Ah Majesties, you're still here, I thought you were supposed to leave hours ago?"

"I do believe that Hale said we could, but my dear wife seems to think otherwise."

"I see." She looks me in the eye, "Your Majesty, I understand that you have many concerns for your husband, as any woman would, but your husband will be fine as long as he follows Doctor Hale's instructions."

"You are certain?"

"Yes, ma'am. As of now, there is no reason for you to worry. Now, you have both had a very strenuous week, try to at least relax for the day."

"The word relax is not common in the vocabulary of sovereigns, Mrs. Archer."

She bows her head, curtsying and walks out, disappearing into her office.


I rest my head against Edward's shoulder, my knees drawn to my chest. His fingers trail up and down my arm, his lips pressed to the top of my head. My fingertips trace the lines of the bandages through his thin shirt. My hair fans out over my shoulders and his chest. "Did anyone tell you how many we lost yesterday?"

"Yes, London informed me."

"How many?"

"Seventeen; including the page boy who brought you to me, many squires and esquires trying to protect members of the court, a few maids perished because they looked somewhat similar to you and were trying to flee, Robert, and a few guards near the gates."

"How many injured?"

"We don't know yet."

"Are you worried?"

He smiles, kissing my temple, "Of course not love."

He slides off the bed, my head knocks againt the wooden headboard behind me. Ow. "Where are you going?"

"There is so much work to do. No one outside the palace can know."

"What is so wrong with our allies knowing?"

"It is showing weakness. It shows that our home is not safe. That people can easily break into the palace and try to assassinate us!"

"There is nothing wrong with our allies knowing and then offering help."

"No. Isabella, we are royals, we cannot afford weakness; the image or the actual thing! Showing weakness to our allies does not result in help."

"Then please, explain to me why the hell alliances are formed if neither country has any weak spots!"

"You are not a born royal, it is not something you can so easily understand."

"I am aware of that, as well as I am of all my faults; but we are not gods, Edward, we cannot hold the weight of the world and remain unweakened."

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