Chapter 4

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My skirts tangle around my ankles, nearly tripping me at the speed we walk across the palace grounds. I gather the rough fabric of my skirts into my hands and swiftly stride behind Edward, "Where are we going this early, Edward?"

"The barracks."


"You are meeting your personal guard."

"Personal guard?"

"Yes, it is mandatory that the Queen has her own guard."


"Yes, it's for the protection of the queen herself."

"Edward, I appreciate the wish for you to protect me but I need my freedom."

"And you shall have it."


"No matter who you marry there is always going to be guards looking out for you."

"I know. I suppose I am just unused to the idea of having a personal guard."

"It will all end up as God intended in the end."

"And we pray it does not leave our country in ruin."


When we reach the barracks a line of hooded and masked guards stand in front of a short, stone wall. At the gesture of the man in the front of the line, a tall, lean, woman, with wisps of red hair falling around the mask, steps out of line, "This is Keris Brant, she is going to be part of your royal guard. She is also going to train you in the art of the blade."

"I have no need for a new personal guard."

"Isabella, bear with me, please. This is Lieutenant Adrian Lovell," the tall, muscled, well built Asuri man steps out from the front of the line, "he is in charge of your personal guard."

"Why do they wear a hood and mask?"

"We wear hoods and masks so that we may blend into the background and be inconspicuous to the unknowing eye, ma'am."

"Of course. Well, seeing that I have no choice in this matter, pick out your men, you have a long day ahead of you."

"I already have them picked out."


"I have already picked out the soldiers I wish to be part of the Queen's Guard."

"Of course you have."


"Nothing of your concern Lieutenant. Let's get this over with, who are they?"

As he speaks he points them out, "Keris Brant, Felix Roland, Hector Garrett, Blaise Selwyn, Silvester Cooke, Elias Sparrow, Jasper Heyworth, and Benjamin Parris." The eight hooded and masked guards step out of line one by one and bow before me. Edward and I turn away from the barracks and begin to walk back to the palace. The nine members of my guard follow behind us, with a hand on the hilt of their swords.


Four members of my guard disappear down the hall as we wait. The footmen open the double doors and announce Edward and me, "If it pleases the Court of King Edward and Queen Isabella of Asura, His Majesty, King Edward Westwood, and Her Majesty, the Queen Isabella Westwood of Asura."

We walk through the double doors and separate as we walk down opposite curved staircases that descend to around our thrones. After reaching the tiled throne room floor we walk over to our thrones and sit in unison, surveying the crowd that bows before us. "Rise and return to your court."

The music begins again and the nobles return to their dancing and gossiping. Flitting about the room like birds, "Did you hear, Her Majesty was attacked last night."

"What?! Who would dare attack her?"

"I heard it was an Imonian."

"Of course it was. I wouldn't be surprised. Aral doesn't want to get their hands dirty in this war."

"They started this war."

"Oh, but they believe that His Majesty did."

"Yes, because His Majesty knowingly chose Her Majesty to be His wife when he doesn't love her just to start a war with that demon country."

"I'm not saying that His Majesty knowingly chose to start a war, but the Aralians think that he did."

"Dios Mio! Look at her hair! You'd think a bird was building its home there."

"Is your daughter married yet?"

"My eldest, Angelica is, but my youngest, Maria is not. Her dowry is 5,000 silvers."

"My my, tell me, is she as beautiful as her sister?"

"You can tell me yourself, she's just over there, dancing her heart out near the grand piano."

"Thank you, Lord Cecil."

"You! Servent boy, bring me a glass of wine."

"A toast, to the great Lord Gorney!"

"You flatter me, Cecil."


I feel a turn in my stomach and place a hand to my side. I move to stand, "Are you alright?"

"I am fine, Edward, I think that I am just not feeling well from the stress."

"Do you need anything?"

"No, but I will be leaving the throne room for the time being."

"Of course."

I quickly run up the stairs and out of the throne room, my guard peeling away from their posts and leaving the room to follow me, while the music plays and the gossip surrounds the nobles like oxygen.

A/N: it's been a while. Sorry about that, I had finals and my weekends got really busy. Updates should start being back to once a week. There'll be a few updates today. Thanks for reading. - m

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