Chapter 31

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"Where is the signing, Edward?" Isabella tightens her grip on my arm.

"The Summit of Angels."


"It's a temple, on top of the small mountain in the center of Lengvi. It's where the Safians go to pray for the souls lost in war."

"That seems very fitting for today's event."

"Indeed. Shall we?"

"We shall."


We walk up the stone steps along the side of the mountain, counting down the hours until this war is over. The top of the hill comes into sight, with the white marble temple glowing in the midday sun. As Isabella, our few guards, and I approach the temple, the guards and ministers bow. Lucia and her brothers Eyague and Agustin stand behind the small, yet ornate marble altar. She nods to Isabella, and I and gestures to her right. I stand on the right side of the altar; Isabella standing a few feet behind me, near the edge of the temple. A group of ambassadors standtand on the opposite side of the temple. Six armed guards escort the emperor and his son into the temple. His son stands next to Isabella; a proud look in his eyes. The emperor takes his spot across from me. I look to Lucia; a crown of golden waves sits upon her head, showcasing her wealth, status, and power. She stands up tall, allowing grace and strength to fill up every inch. Her mask shows no emotions, but I know she wishes she did not have to be here.
Lucia takes a breath, looks around the ,room and begins to speak. "We have come here, to the Summit of Angels to sign the Treaty of Angels, end the Gorko-Thera War of ,1606 and nothing more. Ambassadors from each country involved in the war will sign after King Edward Westwood and Emperor Okami Minamoto. Here we mourn the losses of our peoples and we pray that God will bless this treaty and keep all of our nations prosperous and at peace, King Edward, would you please sign the treaty?"

I pick up the quill and dip it into the inkwell, taking a breath before pressing the quill to the page and signing my name. I hand the quill to the emperor; he takes it with a knowing smile. A minute passes before he does anything. Then, he looks at his son and nods; the young man returns the nod, turns slightly, and pushes Isabella. She falls backward off of the temple's three-foot drop and onto the steep hill. Her body tumbles down the hill, hitting everything in her path. I look back at the emperor, his smile remains intact as she falls down the hill, "Now, I shall sign your treaty."

He dips his quill into the ink and lavishly signs his name on the page. I take a few steps towards the edge when Lucia grabs my hand and in a hushed, tense, and stressed tone speaks, "I know Edward, but we must leave her be. We need to finish this treaty."

"Send a medic down now."

"Some guards have already gone to get one from the city."

She releases my hand and picks up the quill, quickly signing her name and passing it to the Elidian ambassador, then the Varian, Uman, and finally Imoni. A servant boy steps forward, offering ceremonial wine to everyone who signed. We all drink in synchronization and the ambassadors begin to walk back down the stone steps. I jump off the side of the marble floor and onto the grass, running down the hill to where a small crowd of guards circles Isabella. I break through the circle and see her, curled up, much of her pale blue dress turned dark crimson. I drop to my knees grabbing one of her hands desperately trying to find a pulse in her wrist. I interlace my fingers with hers, pressing her hand to my lips, cradling her head in my lap, praying and begging her to wake in a hushed voice, filled with desperation. "Isabella, wake up, mere dila. The doctor is going to be here soon, you need to wake up. Wake up, my heart. Mere dila, mere atma, just open your eyes. Everything is going to be fine my love, just wake up."

The doctor enters the circle of guards and sets down his medical bag. He asks a few questions which I answer through my prayers. "How far along?"

"Four months, maybe closer to five."

"Her age?"


"Has she been healthy?"


"And the babe?"

"Our doctors said they were."

"Thank you."

"Just heal her. Please."

"I will do everything I can, but you need to let me work."

I fall silent as he checks her pulse, and moves on. I half-watch in a daze as he conducts his evaluation. What seems like hours pass before he looks at me. "Is she alright? Will she live? Will the baby live? What's wrong with them?"

The doctor rises to his feet, a solemn look on his face, He looks down at his bloodied hands before looking me in the eye, "I am sorry, Your Majesty..."

A/N: don't hate me...

*cackling and the sound of thunder cracking outside my castle*
School starts in a week and a half so there'll probably be an update in the middle of this week and then over the weekend so I'm done before school starts.
Anyways thank you so much for reading!
All my love, M

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