Chapter 14

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I walk into the throne room and see Phillipa's children pushed away into a quiet corner. I quickly walk over to them, "This will not do. You. Yes, you holding the toddler, what is your position?"

"I am the assigned nursemaid, Your Majesty."

"Oh in the name of the heavens, set the poor girl down. She is not an infant. There is no one of major importance in this room that will be annoyed by children being children. You may go."

The woman sets the girl on the ground, curtsies and runs out of the room. I brush off my skirt and sit on the tile floor in front of the children. "Oh sit sit, there is no need for you to stand so dreadfully still." The elder children sit on the floor behind their sister. "Well, I am your aunt Isabella. Please tell me your names and ages."

"I'm Luca, and I'm ten."

"I'm Nicolosa, and I'm ten too. Luca is six minutes older."

"Wonderful, and the youngest?"

"That's Emilia, she's three."

"Perfect. Now what shall we do? I think that sitting on the floor isn't much fun."

"Can we run around?"

"Of course. Stand up and run, I think playing Go should satisfy us for the time being."

"Run Emilia! Don't let auntie catch you!"

The little girl clammers to her feet and rushes after her siblings. I quickly stand and gather my skirts to chase the children. They run all over the throne room, hiding behind pillars. I catch up to Emilia and gather her into my arms. "I caught you little one. Should we go catch your brother and sister?"

"Yeah!" I set her on the ground and chase after her siblings with her.


Phillipa walks away from Edward and towards me. "Thank you for helping with the children."

"It was nothing Phillipa, your children are simply wonderful."

"Oh, I think that you are just quite good with children. It is a good skill to have. I do believe congratulations are in order."

She nods her head at my stomach. I smile, "Thank you Phillipa."

"Have you told Edward yet?"


"Oh, a thousand apologies."

"What do you mean?"

"He asked why you were acting so off, He told me what was happening and I said that you must be pregnant."

"There is no need to apologize, Phillipa, anyone could've told him."

"But it should've been you."

"I will tell him when I feel it is necessary. I do not wish to be held captive in my own home because there is a baby growing in my belly."

"Ah, I see. Do not fear; if I could convince my husband to let me go to war with a baby in my belly, there is no doubt in my mind that you could convince Edward to allow you to remain free."

"Alexander let you go to war!?"

"I did not give him a choice."

"What was the result of that?"

"A pair of strong willed children, just like their mother. Stay strong-willed and bold as brass; they will be your greatest allies."

"Thank you."

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