Chapter 2

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"Your Majesty, the man was found, he has been taken to the dungeons to be questioned."

"Where is he from?"


"I see."

"We wish to keep him alive as a hostage."

"Sir Harry Sedley, he is a message, Aral doesn't care whether or not he lives."

"Sedley, my wife and I were shot at!"

"The shooter purposely missed."

"That matters not, Lord Edmond Manston."

"Your Majesty, with all due respect-"

The door to the council room bursts open, "Your Majesties," the boy bows and holds out a small scroll, "This was found wrapped around the arrow."

I take the scroll from the boy and dismiss him. I break the wax seal and unravel the roll of worn parchment. As I read the words written on the scroll, they begin to blur together as I read it for the second time. "Edward?"

Hands touch mine and tug the scroll out of my grasp. I watch Isabella read the scroll, her eyes widen. She rolls up the scroll, places it on the council table, and clears her throat. "Lord Manston; maybe the man missed my husband and I, whether it be intentional or not, the country of Aral still wishes us dead."

The man sitting next to her grabs the scroll off the table. He unrolls it and quickly scans the parchment. "It's true. Aral has declared war on Asura, the final straw was His Majesty not choosing to marry the Crown Princess Akane Okami. It seems irrational but that is what Aral has decided, war it is."

"We must prepare our army and alert our allies, immediately."

"Indeed Duke Fitzwarren."

"I will write to Umen, Safire, and Varis today. Duke, "

"Good. I fear there may be more assassins from Aral."

"I'm sure there's assassins from all over the world in my country! But that does not mean they are trying to kill my wife and I."

"With all due respect Your Majesty, you must defend yourself and your family! Send her to live somewhere else."

Isabella slams her palms against the table shouting, "I will not, now or ever leave this palace out of fear. If you wish to send me away you will have to kill me."

"His Majesty must defend his family!"

"I can defend my family and choose how they can be defended without hurting the entire country!"

"And what does your wife think?"

"I do believe, Duke Fitzwarren, that the title you are to address me with, unless I have spoken otherwise is Your Majesty, not "your wife". I believe that your king is correct. There are ways for us to protect ourselves without hurting the country we rule over. Have I made myself clear or do I need to speak about my beliefs again?"

"You have made yourself quite clear, Your Majesty. Sire, how do you plan on defending your family?"

"It matters not. We are going to war. Make sure all of the ships are in the best condition. Inform the men, I can only pray this war will not last long."

"What of Imon?"

"We must pray that our allies will help us. I would like to place in motion the vote for Regent while I am absent from the palace. I would like my wife, Queen Isabella Victoria Westwood to be the Regent, does anyone second my nomination?"

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