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Isabella Victoria

"The time has come for you to sleep, your mother will not let you fall into the deep. The wind will rock our boat, swinging side to side, and there will never be a reason that you have to hide. And if your cradle falls, your father will catch you, blankets and all. Sleep my babe sleep, we will never let you fall into the deep."

The last notes of my lullaby fade away; replaced by the wood floor of the nursery creaking under the weight of my rocking chair, as I watch my daughter sleep in my arms. A little over two years have passed since the war ended, yet a great sorrow remains heavy in my heart. A half-smile graces her lips as the breeze fills the room. Footsteps enter the room and familiar hands land on my shoulders. Edward's voice is filled with pride, "How is my little victory doing this afternoon?"

"Shh, she just fell asleep."

"Put her in her cradle and let us go for a walk."

"I don't want to leave her."

"Then we shall take her with us."

"Are you certain?"


I carefully rise to my feet and adjust Victoria so that her head rests on my shoulder. We walk through the halls, Edward pushing the empty pram beside me. We stop at the front doors. As I put her in the pram her eyes open, she stares up at us, sleep still clinging to her eyes. "Hello my darling, we're just going on a walk in the gardens."

A small yawn escapes her tiny, pale mouth as she burrows deeper underneath the pale blue linen blanket tucked around her. We leave the palace and walk across the grounds, unconsciously walking towards the memorial. We stop walking a few feet away from the headstone. I look up at the slab of ornately decorated white marble; reading over the engravings. Francis Edward, Unborn yet loved, May the Angels take care of you until we can. I blink back memories and the tears welling in my eyes. Edward wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close, resting my head upon his shoulder, offering words of comfort. "Hey, hey, Issy, they're okay, wherever he's been sent, it's far better than this world."

"I know, but I still wish I could've done something, anything that day."

"No one knew, it wasn't anyone's fault but the Aralians."

"It'll always be a weight on my heart."

"Everything will work out just fine; you know what they say: second times the charm."

"That is not what everyone says; it's the third time."

"Not for me; I got both of my girls."

I smile, more joyous memories filling my heart. I lift her from the pram and place her on my hip. She rests her head on my shoulder, staring curiously at the slab of marble. "Hey V, I have a feeling that you're going to come here to talk to your older brother a lot. I know that Francis is watching you grow. I know that we can't really tell you much about him, but I promise, there will always be things we can tell you. And I know that when you grow up, you are going to be so smart, and so strong, and beautiful and every single boy is going to be vying for your hand. So, your father and I are going to have to hold a contest just like he did."

"Must we hold a contest, they're so expensive and dreary?"

"I agree with you there. Is Luce ever getting married?"


"Pity, if she had a son V and him would have grown up together and became good friends and then fall in love and all of our problems would be solved. But we shouldn't count out a contest yet, she could want to have one after hearing our tale."

"You mean to tell me that you haven't told her yet?"

"I have not, but we might as well start now."

He chuckles lightly as we sit on the ground, V sitting in my lap, "Listen well my dear, mama and papa are going to tell you a story. Once upon a time, two years ago to be exact, there was a contest..."


A/N: 😇 See I'm not that cruel. Actually scratch that I really am. Just wait for like my next 3-5 books/series :)

Anyways please read the Thanks Yous and Other Stuff chapter (it's out) because there is a lot of important information and all that jazz. The "chapter" features my next book series and possibly some TSQ world stuff....

The First Trials (The Second Queen Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt