Blog Entry Number Thirty

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When I woke up the next day, I looked outside my window. It was cloudy, and the sun didn't show up at all. Hmm., I thought. How strange. I opened the window, and it was hot. I put on a summer-like outfit and glanced at my headphones. I decided to leave them at home. I ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, and headed for my dad's car. It was a silent car ride, which I found was weird. Usually, we'd talk about school.

I walked into Miss Shapen's classroom, with Robin Palmer's "Geek Charming" in my hands. When I started to read it, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. Then another, and another, and another. I glanced away from the book and noticed that a group of jocks were looking at me in a somewhat perverted way. One of them flirtatiously bit their bottom lip, and another winked at me. I looked back at my book and tried to read it.

"Hi," someone said in my ear. I jumped. "Hey! Calm down. It's just your old pal Henry."

I laughed and responded, "No one says 'pal' anymore without getting beat up by Mitch Billsky."

"Well, it's not like he's gonna do anything about it." He leaned in.

I shook my head. "Nope." I leaned in as well. He was so close to me, that I could smell his Colgate Fresh toothpaste. We were practically breathing the same air. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I suddenly slowly leaned back against the metal part that connected the chair to the desk. I didn't want the Katy incident to happen again.

At least, not at that precise moment.

Which is exactly why I was relieved when Chloe and Charlotte walked in.

"Hey guys," they greeted in unison. Chloe kissed Henry on the cheek, and my chest ached. Ughhh, why must I have feelings?!

"Psst. Candie," someone whispered behind me. I turned around. "You okay?" Charlotte asked.

"What? Why would I not be okay?" I blurted out.

"You know... from yesterday? Henry told me he had to walk home with you and escort you to your bedroom."

Which was true. After yesterday's beach disaster, I was shaking. Henry biked slowly with me and offered to walk me inside my own house. After calmly telling my dad why he was here, Henry led me up to my bedroom, where I curled up in bed and wept. It was a scary experience. To calm me down, Henry lay down next to me, and read the first two chapters of "Geek Charming" out loud. Then he said he had to go and see if Piper was done with her "Man Fans" meeting. He hugged me, and said, "Take care, okay? Call me if you need anything." I simply nodded, and Henry opened the window and left.

"Yeah... it was pretty traumatic, but I'm fine." I opened the book and started to read where I left off.

Total lie.

I took out the tray of veggies and crackers from Whole Foods out of my lunch bag. Technically, it was supposed to be for my father and me, but there's something about vegetables smothered in butter, olive oil, cheese, and garlic powder that makes him squirm, and makes my mouth water, so he let me take it to school.

"When are rehearsals ending today?" Charlotte asked, putting a cracker topped with mozzarella and a tomato in her mouth.

"I think they end at 4:10, the usual time," I replied with a mouthful of pepper in my mouth.

"Mmm." She swallowed. "These are good. Where'd you buy them?" she questioned.

"The deli section at Whole Foods."

"I'll have to make a mental note of that." She took a carrot, dipped it into the onion and chives dip, and crunched.

Jasper took a grape tomato and quizzed, "Where's Henry?"

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