Blog Entry Number Sixteen

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"Help me, Bella!" I half-shouted into the phone.

"What is it this time, Candie?" she asked.

"I have a fashion problem!" I answered. She didn't say anything, she just hung up. I stared at my cellphone, and then rummaged through my closet for any signs of costume-like clothing. I didn't find anything good except a few of my mom's old costume jewelry. I heard someone knock on the door. Trick-or-treaters already?, I thought. It's only five o'clock! Well, there isn't any school today so...

I opened the door and Bella rushed in with shopping bags from those girly stores like Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, and Aeropostale.

"What... what... what?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You said you had a fashion problem!" she responded, wobbling into my room.

I buried my face in my hands. "No, no! Why are you always getting my problems wrong?"

"Well..." She eyed me up and down. "Based on what you're we--" She paused mid-sentence and pointed to my torso. "What on earth is that?"

"What's what?" I looked down.

"That sweater... I've never seen you wear it before."

"Oh, this?" I asked. She tugged at the sleeve of Henry's Vans jacket. "Henry let me keep it. I was feeling chilly last week."

"And that locket?" She gestured to my white, heart-shaped locket that Ray used to contact me.

"Um... Henry gave it to me?" I wasn't really lying. He kind of did give me the locket.

"Awww! How sweet! Oh, are you going on a date with him? Is that why you asked me to come here?"

"Not exactly..."

"Then why?"

"I'm going trick-or-treating with him and a few friends."

"Oh! That's cute!"

"The only problem is... I don't have a costume."

"Lucky for you, I brought the perfect items! I just had a feeling that you were gonna tell me this!"

She rummaged through the bags, and we played the "No, too ____.," game again. We eventually decided on a school-girl type costume using a purple plaid skirt, a white blouse, and a purple blazer. She took a pair of sewing scissors and cut a few holes in the outfit for a zombie touch. I changed into the costume, and it looked overall amazing.

"Nice! Now I just need to put make up on you..."

She put this gray foundation on me, and made it look like it was cut open so some guts would come out.

"Awesome!" I said, smiling at the reflection in the mirror. Bella tied my hair up in little pigtails.

"Perfect!" she chuckled. "You look scary-cute!"

"Heck yeah!" I agreed. Bella didn't seem to notice. She was busy looking towards my bed, which was made and had a bright pink duffel bag and a matching sleeping bag.

"What's that on your bed?" she quizzed.

"A duffle bag and a sleeping bag. I'm sleeping over at Henry's tonight."

"Just... you... and Henry?"

"No, so is Jasper and Charlotte, and this girl named Monica."

"Oh, okay. Good. What time are you supposed to go there?"

I checked my phone. 6:55. "I should probably head there right now!"


I rang the Harts' doorbell. Charlotte, who was dressed up as macaroni and cheese.

To Mask or Not To Mask (A Henry Danger Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now