Blog Entry Number Twenty-Six

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Charlotte, Jasper, Chloe, Henry, and I strapped ourselves in the Harts' station wagon. Charlotte adjusted her leather jacket. She was wearing a black and white striped t-shirt. Her outfit was based on "The One That Got Away" music video.

"I have the feeling that this concert will be amazing," she squealed. She bounced up and down in her seat.

"Wow, Charlotte," Chloe said. "I've never seen you fangirl like this!" Chloe was in this white tank top, paired with a leather vest and denim shorts. She was probably sporting something inspired by "Teenage Dream".

"Yeah, I guess Katy Perry brings out the crazy in girls," Jasper interjected. He was wearing this cotton-candy colored sweater, possibly supposed to symbolize "California Gurls".


Luckily, there wasn't a long line to enter the arena. The bouncer glanced at our tickets and let us go in. I let out a giddy little squeal.

"Eeeeeee! Katy Perryyyyy!" I screamed, jumping up and down.

"Calm down, Candie." Henry smiled.

"I can't contain my excitement!" I paused, still shaking. "Why don't we take a selfie?" I hooked up my phone to my mono-pod (aka, "The Selfie Stick"), and pressed a button. The phone got a picture of all of us smiling. I went on my TwitFlash and posted the picture.

cottoncandie: at Swellview Arena for the Katy Perry concert w/ @secret.henry @sassychar.latte @jaspersbuckets and @snowychloe.p! #sofreakingexcited

I smiled. This is a perfect night.


"Hey guys," Jasper said. "I gotta take a wazz!"

"Go by yourself!" Charlotte shouted.

"But I don't wanna get lost!" he retorted.

"Yeah, Charlotte. We should go all together, as a group," Henry said.

"But I don't wanna miss anything!" Charlotte whined.

"It's an intermission, Charlotte," Chloe and I explained at the same time. We glanced at each other.

"Urgh. Fine. But if I miss 'I Kissed A Girl', I'll slap all of you." Charlotte frowned.

The bathrooms were located right by the concert hall, so it was impossible that Charlotte would miss "I Kissed A Girl". There weren't many people in line, probably because they were taking a walk around the arena, and the arena was right by this beautiful park and you can see the stars if you sit on the fountain.

Henry and I were the only ones who didn't need to go. We watched as these two stage crew members move a bright pink piano. They suddenly stopped, had a mini conversation, then went into the restrooms.

After three minutes, Henry sidled up to me and whispered, "Hey. Why don't you play the piano?"

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He was so close to me that we were breathing the same oxygen. "Are you crazy? I'll get caught!"

He looked around. "There aren't any people. Please? I'll sing with you!"

I let out a sigh of aggravation. "Alright, but if I go down, you'll go down with me." I sat down on the pastel pink piano bench and played an F major chord. Henry sat down next to me. Our shoulders touched, and a warm feeling rushed up my body. I started to play "Teenage Dream".

"I think you're pretty," he started to sing. "Without any makeup on,

I think you're funny,

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