Blog Entry Number Eighteen

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I heard someone groan. At first, I thought it was from my dream, so I tried to sleep. But then I heard another groan. I abruptly opened my eyes. My head was on Henry's shoulder. That's weird... I don't remember falling asleep last night..., I thought, but then everything pieced together. I had passed out after watching the first hour of "Shinnyusha". I looked around. Jasper, Charlotte, and Monica had gone missing. "Psst! Henry!" I fiercely whispered.

"Mmmm... Candie, stop..." Henry muttered. Someone groaned again.

"Don't you hear that?" I asked.

"It's probably just Piper. She overdosed on Halloween candy again. Go back to sleep." He absentmindedly put his arm around me. I felt somewhat calmer, and closed my eyes. This time, I didn't hear someone groan, I heard someone scream. It sounded like Charlotte. I shot up like a stick and so did Henry. "What. Was. That?" he quizzed.

"I don't know... but I'm scared!" I whimpered.

"And where's Jasper, Charlotte, and Monica?"

"I don't know!" I grabbed my flashlight. "Let's go look for them."

"I thought you were scared!"

"Yeah, but like you once said: 'overcome them'."

"Okay, let's go." He stood up. We looked in the kitchen. My heart started beating faster. I grabbed Henry's hand for comfort. "It's okay, Candie. It's fine," he comforted, putting his hand on my arm. I started shaking. We walked up to Piper's bedroom. Piper was gone too. Suddenly, the groaning and screaming got louder. It was coming from Henry's room. I slowly opened the door, not letting go of the flashlight or Henry's hand. We heard a slight creak.

"It's dark in here," I whispered. I shone the flashlight around. Four figures appeared in front of me.

"RAH!" they yelled at the same time. Henry and I started screaming. I hugged him tightly.

"PLEASE TAKE HIM INSTEAD!" I shouted, but it sounded like, "Pleasetakehiminstead!" The figures started laughing like crazy, and I felt a flash of white light on me. NO! I CAN'T BE DYING!, I thought.

"You should've seen the look on your faces!" a familiar voice teased. I opened one eye. Charlotte, Jasper, Monica, and Piper were on the ground, laughing. I glanced at Henry. His face was red.

"You guys nearly gave us heart attacks!" he blurted. Piper looked through her phone and howled with laughter. She showed it to Charlotte, Jasper, and Monica. They reran hysterical laughter. I snatched the phone from Piper's hand and looked at the screen. It clearly showed me hugging Henry tightly, with my eyes shut and Henry's eyes were wide open, and his jaw dropped. I put my hand over my mouth and dropped to the ground. "What are you doing, Candie?" he asked.

"Dying!" I laughed. I rolled around, joining Charlotte, Jasper, Monica, and Piper in their undeniably hilarious picture. It might've been mean, but I personally thought it was funny.


I sat up, and felt the sunlight from the door streaming in. Everyone, except Henry, was still curled up in their sleeping bag. Henry rubbed his eyes. I rubbed my head. "What happened last night?" I mumbled. All I remembered was getting scared, falling to the ground, rolling around, playing a game, then blacking out.

"Um..." Henry yawned. "I don't remember either... do you?"

I glared at him. "If I did, then would I ask you?"

"Yeahh, probably not."

I slumped back into my sleeping bag. Charlotte stretched out her arms.

"Hey, Char," Henry said. "Other than you guys scaring us, what happened?"

"Well... let's see... you two made out...." She tapped her chin. Henry and I looked at each other.

That happened? I mouthed. Then Charlotte started laughing.

"Just kidding!" she chuckled. "No. We played Truth or Dare, and Jasper hit Candie in the head with a baseball bat."

"Uhhh... why?" I questioned.

"He had too many cans of 'Mocha Cola'," she replied.

"And what happened to me?" Henry quizzed.

"Let's just say that you literally 'kicked the bucket'," Charlotte responded. She scrolled through her phone and played a video. It showed me screaming, and Jasper swung the bat around, hitting me on the forehead. Henry looked like he was boiling mad. He grabbed the trick-or-treat bucket, emptied it out, then kicked it across the room. Jasper turned red, and they started screaming at each other. Finally, Jasper took a steak from the fridge and slapped Henry across the face, making him fall on top of me. The video froze after that.

"Dang, Henry." I smirked at him. "When'd you get so... beastly?"

To Mask or Not To Mask (A Henry Danger Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now