Blog Entry Number Three

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"Hey sweetheart," my dad greets. I kiss him on the cheek. "Sorry, I started eating without you. Your sushi's on the table."

I eat my sushi in silence, but quickly.

"Wow... did you come back from a war or something?" he questions.

I grin at him cheekily. "Haha."

"So... I saw you outside with some kids, talking," he states. "And... uh... Mrs. Hart came over. She said you were hit by a car." He almost starts to cry.

"Dad..." I whisper, getting up. "I'm okay. Just a few scrapes, but I'm all right." I show him the scrapes on my arms and knees. There are a few other scratches, but those are from the robbery. He doesn't need to know about them, though. He hugs me tightly.

"I don't want to lose you, sweetie. You're all I have." He starts to cry. He wipes his eyes after pulling away. "And... Mrs. Hart wanted to give you this. I think it's from her son."

It's a card with a person holding an ice pack on their head. The bubbly letters read "Get well soon!" Inside, someone had written a short message.


Hope your scratches aren't bad! If only we were like Captain Man and have invincibility powers.

Feel better!


Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper

I can't believe it. Three people actually care enough to notice me, try to warn me about a car, drag me onto the sidewalk, talk to me, and give me a card to feel better? Oh man! I have to go blog about this. I open the lid of my laptop and start typing.

Today has been a kinda-sorta-painful day. I had to go to work (bad), and I was hit by a car. (good) It's good because people actually talked to me today! Their names are Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper, and they've been going to school with me since kindergarten, but this was the first ever time we interacted. I can't believe it, and I'm still all giggly and happy.

I keep typing, and when I reach the end, I stop. Should I publish it? Or should I not? I use my mouse cursor to scroll around. They were just acquaintances. What if the acquaintances-status gets upgraded to a friends-status, though? I'll have to show them my blog sometime. But I can delete it. Then again, when it's on the internet, it's there forever.

So I click the "Save as Draft" button.


(Henry's POV)

*A/N: I'll do this once in a while just to let you know what Henry's doing and thinking.*

"HENRY!" my little sister, Piper, screams. Charlotte and I turn to look at her.

"What?" I groan.

"I'm not okay!" she yelled. I bury my face in my hands. My mom comes running down the stairs.

"Okay, sweetie," my mom says. "What's wrong?"

"So. I went to the mall with Ashley and Taylor, right?" Piper starts to say.

"No one cares, Piper," I grumble. "I've got stuff to think about."

"You mean a person to think about?" Charlotte teases, nudging me.

"What do you mean by person?" I ask. I think I sound defensive.

"Candie?" she retorts. "You're thinking about her, aren't you?"

"No," I lie. I am thinking about Candie.

"Yes you are. You're blushing. You're always lying when you blush," Charlotte says.

"You can't blame the hormones," I joke.

"Ew!" she says in disgust. I start laughing and she rolls her eyes. I go to my room, and Charlotte follows. Jasper's still doing his podcast, but he's almost done.

"Well, sorry to all fellow bucketteers out there," Jasper says. "I'll see you all soon. Buckets of love to you all." He takes off his headphones and stands up.

"Thanks for letting me use your bedroom again for my podcast," he says.

"No problem," I reply. "More basketball?"

"Nah, I better get home," he answers.

"How about you, Charlotte?" I ask.

"No thanks. I have to go, too. And besides, I'm horrible at basketball." She leaves by slipping out my window. I take the basketball and leave the same way. So does Jasper. Charlotte runs back to her house, while Jasper rides his bike.

Once they're out of eyeshot, I start to dribble. I keep on missing.

"Argh!" I yell, throwing the the ball onto then ground. I sit down on the sidewalk with my head in my hand. Then I hear someone singing and playing the piano. It's coming from...

Candie's house?

Candie sings and plays the piano?

"A singer in a smokey room,

The smell of wine and cheap perfume,

For a smile they can share the night,

It goes on and on and on!"

She sounds amazing.

"Candie!" I yelled. She can't hear me.

"Candie!" I yelled, louder. She stops mid-verse. She looks around and sees me. I give her a thumbs up, and she smiles at me and waves. Then she starts playing the piano again. This time, a different song.

"Boom! Clap!

Sound of my heart!

The beat goes on and on and on and on and!

Boom! Clap!

You make me feel good!

Come on to me,

Come on to me now!"

She stops, writes something down, and throws it out the window. I pick it up and read it.

The only thing on it are seven digits.

To Mask or Not To Mask (A Henry Danger Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now