Blog Entry Number Six

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The park was filled with bright lights. There were tons of booths, little rides, small roller-coasters, and games. I had never gone to the Swellview Fall Carnival.

"This is so cool!" I enthused. I looked around and saw tons and tons of people, lining up for a turn to throw rings at bottles. There were prizes everywhere.

"Come on, Candie!" Henry yelled, grabbing my arm and leading me to the "Test Your Strengths Booth". Jasper and Charlotte were already lined up.

"Oh. My..." I said. There was this ride called the Fireball, where people would get strapped into this cart-thingy, then go on this loop-de-loop.

"Let's ride that one!" Henry pointed to the Fireball. "We'll do the 'Test Your Strengths' later." He grabbed my arm again and led me in line.

"I'm kind of nervous. Is that normal?" I asked. My hands started to sweat.

"Yes it is. My palms are sweating," he replied. We got to the front, and paid for a seat. We were strapped in. The ride started, and we went fast.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" I screamed.

"OHHHH MYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDD!" Henry yelled. I clung onto his arm and kept screaming.

"AAAAAAAAAH OH SWEET LORD HELP ME!!!!!!" I screamed. At least I think it was me. When the ride stopped, I still held on to Henry's arm.

"Oooookay! Need... to regain... balance!" I kept walking other ways.

"Why is the room spinning?" he asked.

"I don't know. Hey look! It's Charlotte and Jasper!" I said. I started running, even though I was dizzy.

"Hey, Candie. Hey, Henry," Charlotte greeted. "How was it?"

"Awesome. But the world is spinning right now," Henry replied. He suddenly shook his head.

"I'm fine," I stated. The room stopped spinning, and it kind of reminded me of the time I was hit by a car.

"Step up, step up!" the smiley man that ran the booth bellowed. It wasn't like Mr. Barlow's bellowing, it was a joyful bellow. "Hello, sir. Are you here to win a prize for the lady?"

Henry and I looked at each other.

"Yeah," Henry replied. He took the hammer, and practically smashed the booth.

"You win!" the smiley man stated, and gave Henry a big pink teddy bear. He gave it to me.

"Thanks. It's adorable." I smiled at him.

"Hey, lovebirds," Charlotte said.

"It's just a bear. Come on," I retorted.

"Hey, where's Jasper?" Henry questioned.

"He's at the bottle toss trying to win a bucket," she responded. She glanced at Jasper, who was failing to get a ring onto the bottle.

"He seems very focused," I stated.

"OH YEAH!" I heard Jasper yell. He ran over to us, holding a bright orange bucket.

"Wow, you won!" Henry said.

"I can't wait to get home so this bucket can see his bucket family!"

"Hey, Henry?" I asked.


"How'd you get so strong?" I questioned. Henry and Charlotte look at each other.

"Huh?" he replied.

"You almost broke the machine."

"Oh... it's uh... because of..." Henry was interrupted by his watch beeping. Henry looked at Charlotte again.

"We better go to Junk N' Stuff. Bye guys!" Charlotte yelled, running off.


(Henry's POV)

"That was so close!" I said as we exited Swellview Park. I kept running, while Charlotte was kind of struggling to keep up with me.

"I'll say," she said. We ran into the store and said "hi" to Gooch.

"So... when are you going to tell Candie?" Charlotte questioned.

"Oh my God. Charlotte." I pressed the button on the elevator. "Stop asking me that."

"Well, when are you?" She walked into the elevator.

"Not yet."

"When is---" The elevator whooshed down about 90 miles per hour, sending Charlotte and me plummeting down.

"AGHHHHHHHH!!!!" we screamed in unison. We crash-landed onto the ground.

"The Fireball ride is more fun than this," I groaned, pushing myself off of the ground.

"Charlotte! Henry! Where were you guys?" he asked.

"The Fall Carnival," I responded.

"Nice! With who?"

"We went with Jasper... and Henry's girlfriend," Charlotte replied.

"DUDE!" I walked to the tube.

"Girlfriend? You go, Henry!" Ray exclaimed, raising his hand up for a high-five. I glared at him. He lowered his hand down.

"She's not my girlfriend, Charlotte," I said, secretly hoping that Candie would become the "G" word.


"Anyway, why'd you triple-beep me?"

"There's a bank robbery going on at the Swellview City Bank! We have to stop it!"

I didn't argue. I knew that the citizens of Swellview were more important than my love life.

Ack! Not love life!

Okay, my love life was important, but not right now.

Besides, I didn't love Candie.

Or maybe I did, but just didn't want to announce it.

To Mask or Not To Mask (A Henry Danger Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now