Blog Entry Number Four

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(Candie's POV)

At lunch, I sit down at the table where Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper usually sit, but at the section farthest from them, alone. I put on my headphones and start listening to my playlist.

Bang! Bang!

Into the room!

I know you want it!

Bang! Bang!

All over you!

I'll let you have it!

Wait a minute,

Let me take you there!

Wait a minute!

Someone took my headphones off my head and puts it on themselves. It was Henry. He smiles at me and listens to "Bang Bang", which counts as a girl song, but he doesn't care. He sits down next to me. Jasper sits across from him, and Charlotte sits across from me.

"Pink headphones, Henry?" Charlotte teased.

"Henry, you little thief." I took the headphones off of him and put them in my lunch box. I turn off my phone. I shake my head while doing so.

"Hey, Candie? Do you listen to podcasts?" Jasper asked.

"Erm. No. I just listen to music," I reply.


"Why?" I ask.

"He has a bucket podcast," Henry explained.

"And only seven people download it," Charlotte added.

"Oh... well, sorry, Jasper."

"It's okay. I don't think those seven people listen anyway," Jasper joked, and we start laughing. It's been a while since I laughed.


With Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper, the next few days were amazing. Instead of drawing and listening to music during lunch, I'd be talking and joking around. I even had my first ever video chat! Well, four-way video chat.

"What are you guys doing this weekend?" Jasper asked.

"Music, piano, blogging," I replied.

"Work. Work. TV. Trying to avoid Piper's constant whining," Henry answered.

"Wait. Wait. Wait!" Charlotte says. "Candie, you have a blog?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"What's the address?"

"," I answered.

"Hold on." Charlotte's screen was frozen, but we could still hear her.

"Wow! It's adorable! So many bunnies!" she squealed.

"Bunnies?!" Jasper practically yelled. His screen froze too.

"Wait, Jasper. How are you video chatting? Your parents don't believe in the internet," Henry asked.

"I'm using my neighbor's WiFi," Jasper replied.

"Okay..." Henry said, and his screen froze.

"Whoa! How'd you make a chatbox?" Charlotte yelled. She logged off of the video chat. I went to my blog. So did Henry. And so did Jasper. Four people were online.

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