Blog Entry Number Thirty-Two

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Day of depression: day one.

Well, there's not really much to say, because I just stayed home (I told my father I was sick), watched Netflix, and dyed my hair back to normal black.

And I did a little bit of blogging.

to him.

if you're reading this, you know who you are.

and i have a few words to say to you.

you're the first person who broke my heart. for the rest of my life, you will be the person who hurt me the most. remember that.

not yours anymore,

cordelia elizabeth mitchell


Day of depression: day two.

My dad made me go to school the next day, and I did.

Very reluctantly, I might add. I adjusted my cat ears headband.

"Bye, sweetie," my dad said. He kissed me on the cheek. "Have fun. Don't get hurt."

I sighed and responded, "Fine." I brushed my fringe out of my face and stepped out of the car. "Bye dad," I muttered. He drove off and I walked into school. I pressed the button on my locker.

"Hey," someone chirped behind me. I turned around, and Charlotte was there. "Hey, Candie. Why weren't you here yesterday?"

"Uh... sick," I lied.

"Lovesick?" she teased. I rolled my eyes and took out the latest book I was reading, which was the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series.

"Nope. Depressed," I sighed, glancing at my locker door. I looked at all of the photos I had pasted on. There was a picture of me and my mom before she died, at Disney World, in front of the Mount Everest ride in Animal Kingdom. Then there was that selfie of Jasper, Charlotte, Henry and I at the mall, rocking fake mustaches and Hello Kitty nerd glasses in the photo booth at one of the accessory stores, taken the day of our almost-kiss. And last, the selfie of Henry and I at the fair, with me holding the neon pink teddy bear. I ripped off the selfie and threw it away.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

I pretended to wipe a fleck of dust on my kitty tights. "Nothing."

"And... Henry may not believe you, but I do," Charlotte stated.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"And I saw your blog post. Don't take it so hard. She's a new girlfriend. It'll take some time to find out that he's really into you."

"Dude, I'm okay with it, I mean... yeah. Totally okay with it. I don't like him anymore."

"Anyway..." Charlotte didn't sound like she didn't believe it, as if I said unicorns were about to take over the universe and destroy all of mankind. "You dyed your hair... again."

"Yeah. I think black is more of my color." I tied it in a loosely low ponytail and adjusted the collar of my lace Peter Pan collar top.

It was also the color that I felt like at the time.


"So, Candie..." Charlotte said at lunch that day. "Did you know that Mark Frisken was checking you out?"

"Mark Frisken? As in the basketball player?" I responded, in between bites of my sandwich.

"Yeah. Since you're not into Henry anymore, ask him!" Charlotte ordered.

"Uh, no. Do you remember the last time I tried to ask someone out? Yeah, straight up rejected. And look where it led me."

She reached over and flicked at my left cat ear on my headband. "Well, look who's coming over."

I looked away and watched as Mark Frisken walked over to us. "Hey, Candie," he said with a smirk.

"Oh. Uh... hey, Mark." I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear.

"So, uh. Do you have plans tonight?" he asked.

"Nope," I answered.

"Well, maybe, do you wanna go on a date later?"

I glanced at Henry, who was off snuggling with Chloe on the stage. "Yeah. Sure. That would be cool."

"Cool. Movie theater? Six o'clock?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Meet you there."


(Henry's POV)

"Dude, did you hear?" Jasper asked me at my locker. I closed the door.

"What?" I said.

"Mark Frisken asked Candie on a date," he stated.

I felt my eyes widen. "Wow. Lucky for him."

Jasper raised an eyebrow. "Lucky? Is that sarcasm?"

I chuckled. "Yeah. I guess."

"I thought you were over Candie."

"Exactly. She's just a liar." I pushed my hair out of my face. After the whole Chloe thing, we didn't look or talk to each other. It was so awkward, but I don't know why, it was just kind of forced. But I did notice some things about her. She had dyed her hair back to black, and she smiled less. Is this my fault?, I thought. But I shook all the feelings of guilt out and pushed them to the back of my mind. After all, it was her fault for making Chloe cry.



"Where is Candie Mitchell?" Mrs. Velasquez asked, tapping on her clipboard. Everyone looked around, and even Chloe. I put my hand on top of Chloe's and gave her a look that said, "It's going to be fine." I was sure that Candie wouldn't get in between our relationship now. But I couldn't help but feel sorry for what I did to her.

But wasn't she sorry for what she did? Those were harsh lies, and I still remember the tears welling up in Chloe's spring green eyes. She made her cry, and I couldn't let that slide easily.

Besides, it was still awkward from the, you know, Katy incident.

"Here I am!" Candie yelled, running into the cafeteria. "Sorry I'm late."

"Good." Mrs. Velasquez pointed to the seat next to me. Shoot.

Candie glanced at the seat, and then at me. She tentatively sat down, but then scooted over a little bit, so we wouldn't touch at all. Mrs. Velasquez explained to us that we had to start memorizing our lines because the musical was one month away. Then we started rehearsing, which was weird. I was in a lot of scenes with Candie, and we could barely look each other in the face. But I was wondering about her date. I kinda-also-wanted to apologize.

But then again, wasn't it half her fault anyways?

And there was this one part where we had to hug. Yeah, kinda weird, especially for that period in time.

"Okay, good job everyone!" Mrs. Velasquez trilled after rehearsals. "So after the whole 'You Can't Stop The Beat' number, Henry and Candie, or should I say, 'Link and Tracy', will kiss after the whole 'You Can't Stop the Beat' number, and then we do bows." She looked down at her clipboard, walked off, and answered her phone. As soon as she said "hello", the whole group whispered. Candie glanced at me with her brown eyes, and I looked back at her. For once, I knew exactly what she was thinking, and I was thinking the same exact thing.

How am I supposed to kiss someone that I'm not attracted to anymore?

*A/N: thank you to @PriscillaYeboah for coming up with this chapter's outfit! Please stay tuned, there will be more drama later!*

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