Blog Entry Number Twenty-One

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D-d-date?, I thought. I discreetly pinched myself to check if I was still awake.

"A... date?" I asked. "As in..." I made my two hands clutch together. Henry chuckled.

"Yeah. That type." Then Henry tilted his head to the side. "Why? Should I not go?"

"Uh, no! Of course you should go!" I said, trying to sound bright and enthusiastic. "Anyway... who's the super-lucky lady?" I nudged him playfully.

"You know Chloe in our play, right?" he quizzed, turning around to to face a girl with her dirty-blonde waves complimenting her apricot skin. After talking to her friends, she looked at us with her blue eyes and waved at us with three fingers, with a little sly (yet pretty) smirk on her bow-shaped lips. Henry smiled and waved back. I can't blame him for liking Chloe., I thought. After all, she was pretty, seemed nice, and did have that goddess-like aura on her. I checked my phone.

Bella: hey girly! waiting 4 u @ the drop-off zone!

"Who is it?" Henry peered over my shoulder.

"It's Bella, and stop reading my texts!" I laughed. "Anyway, have fun on your date, tiger. Don't have too much fun!"

"Thanks!" he yelled. I waved goodbye to him, and walked to the parking lot, where my sister was tapping the white steering wheel of her car. She looked at me and waved the same way Chloe did.

"Hey, sistah!" she greeted. I did a little smile and got in the backseat. She started driving. "So, how was school today, babe?" She had all of these cool, yet non-babyish nicknames for me.

"Fine," I breathed.

"Well, you don't seem very 'fine' to me, sweetie. What's the matter?"

"Nothing." I felt my voice choke and and a tear dropped on my blue camisole.

"Honey, you sound like you're crying! Tell me what's wrong."

"Henry... somewhat rejected me."

"WHAT?!" She abruptly came to a stop when we got to our house.

"What the--" I started, but I heard her heels clacking angrily on the pavement.

"THIS IS HIS HOUSE, RIGHT?!" she screamed. She went up to it, and I ran after her.

"No! No! Stop!!!!"

"But he rejected you!"

"IT'S THE FIRST, THERE ARE MANY MANY MORE BOYS TO KILL IN THE FUTURE!" At that point, I was hugging her from the back, and she was kicking and screaming.



She wriggled out of my arms. "Fine. But when he comes back, I swear to God--"

"NO. You are not killing my best friend."

Bella's expression softened. "Aww. How sweet!"

"Dude." I rolled my eyes. Bella got inside the car.

"Where are we going?"

"The mall."

To Mask or Not To Mask (A Henry Danger Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now