
210 10 15

It all feels so new yet so familiar, it's surreal to be back where I was supposed to be!! The hospital,the patients,their pain,their smiles all together make me who I am!! I'm feeling like I've come home after ages, though I miss the tantrums of a little bunny here!!

The day passed by so quickly as it took much time to get back all the things that I left back then..my old regular patients along with the new entries!!
As the evening was setting down, I started to crave to go back to him as soon as possible.

It was almost 8pm ,I wrapped up all the works in hand ! I'm ready to head out when I got called by my one & only friend Taehyung.

" Woah!! You literally forgot that I exist!! Isn't it y/n?" Taehyung started to tease!

I actually forgot about him for a moment being busy with the sudden work.

I felt guilty.

"No,of course not! I was just busy with the handover!" I tried to show an excuse.

"Yeah yeah. We know ,y/n everyone's favourite! Mine too!" He winked.

" Very funny! So, how have you been Mr.not anyone's favourite?" I asked him.

"Oh, heartbroken!! I've been drinking & cursing on the roads after my gf dumped me,you know!" He's such a tease .

"Oh...don't call me when you go to jail for drinking & cursing on roads!" I tried to pass by him saying that.

" Y/n !! Stop! I was just teasing you baby!" Taehyung stopped me by my arms.

I pursed my lips trying to show him that I was angry when in reality I was also playing along.

" Okay I'm sorry. Now don't make that face little dumb. You're going home... I'll drop you. Let's go for a coffee before that?" He offered smiling.

I'm not surprised how sweetly he's behaving with me after all the wrongs I did to him cz that's how Kim Taehyung is, always loving & selfless. How could I reject that sweet bean!

"I can-!" My line got cut by the sound of horn & the lights flashing out from a black mercedes. I know that car.
I & Taehyung waited for someone to come out of the car but no one came out instead the window slides down revealing the face I was craving to see all day.

"Jungkook! What's he doing here?" Taehyung interrogated being a bit surprised.

Oh.Now I remember,I didn't tell him about us,kook & me.

How can I tell him that I got back to jungkook right after rejecting him!! I feel so low of me. I can't tell him now ,I need time,we need time.

I was in loss of words to answer & I just stood there staring at jungkook.

" You're not coming?" Jungkook shouted from the car gesturing his hand to get inside the car.

Taehyung took glances between me & jungkook trying to understand what was happening.

" You're still staying with him? " Taehyung asked showing the displeasure.

" No no! I-I had some belongings to pick up from there!"
Why did you lie dumb!!

"Okay!" Taehyung replied sounding skeptical while I bit my tongue out of nervousness.

"Y/n!!" This brat dared to come to my hospital to put me in trouble & he's even shouting my name!!
What if anyone sees him here!!

I got into the car quickly fearing any media catching us .

"Bye , Mr.kim!" Jungkook said to him & drove off.

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