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Tingles ,caresses , bites ands gasps of breathlessness started to stir my mind up erupting the volcano of desires in side the deepest pit of my soul when jungkook's tongue tangled with mine in utter crave!!

We're so into finding the other in the mind stirring lips claiming that I didn't even notice I was already sitting on jungkook's lap while he was effortlessly supporting me with just one arm around my waist.

Pulling away for a second to give me access to oxygen he landed his lips on my ear , nibbling softly like a bunny munching on the carrot , licking , spreading chills through my whole body setting every single cell on fire.

He started roaming and marking his territory on my neck while all I could do was hold onto his arm to not pass out right there!!

Yes! We've made out before but nothing of that could match the sensation I was feeling now.

Bcz all those previous touches were evolved and buried in the heat of moment where there was an unexpressed restriction from both side to take it slow.

But now when we both were on the verge of surrendering to each other , every little touch seems million times more scorching , tantalising!! Every single muscle was aching in burning desire to only be soothed by none other than the touch of my love & again be burnt by those touches and caresses.

Jungkook's every touch started to make me melt like a butter in heat and my body was too limp to sit straight in his lap!! I couldn't hold no more when his teeth sunk into the skin of my collarbone...and I made out a whimper!! The sound so girly , so unlike me that I started to grow red from embarrassment and I pulled my head away a bit , distancing for pull myself together.

Jungkook seemed to notice my situation and he smirked in sadistic way as if my distress made him ecstatic.

Pulling my hairband with his hand he freed my hair to fall back on my shoulder ,he made me look his way by my neck.

And when I managed to meet his eyes , there I saw the darkest shade of lurking desires ready to erupt any moment , ready to devour every inch of my soul only my staring deep into my eyes.

"I want you ,noona!"
He whispered like the little bunny who used to make me do everything he wanted only by that pleading voice ,filled with mischiefs yet the cutest ever.

All I could do was nod like a kid under spell!! Jeon jungkook , the biggest spell.

A soft delicate peck landed in the corner of my mouth and another on the tip of my nose, another behind my ear ... smooches all over my face were being planted that helped to soothe my sanity a little but aggravating the longing to feel him more .

My back touched the soft mattress and I closed my eyes in the unwholesome anticipation to being devoured by a bunny that instant.

"Look at you , looking like a seductress only for me to ruin!! I just wanna devour your soul to never let you go !! I wanna reign on your soul , noona!!" Jungkook heaved capturing my features with his captivating ocean eyes as if he is memorising me to never forget , to never be forgotten either.

My sanity lost long ago and my boldness taking over from nowhere , I wrapped my arms around jungkook's neck to pull him down towards me .

Capturing his lips I uttered " I'm all your to devour , my soul , my sanity , my pride all yours kook!"

That's all took to lead our souls to mingle in bare ecstasy!! Skin on skin striped bare to be imprinted by the love , stealing the least bit of left sanity from other's mind, stirring each others Existence in one embodiment.

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