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The hall is filled with people groomed on glittery dresses and neat suites.
People are involved in chatting while holding wine glasses no matter what the topic might attract them.
  I'm standing myself with the adoration in my eyes towards the newly wedded couple.
Yes, it's the day of Yaeji and Mr Park's wedding. We didn't expect to see so much people invitated but Mr Park has always been the kind to express his love this way to people,to his love. And I appreciate that. You should do what makes you happy not what people think rightous for you .

   The couple have just vowed and exchanged the kisses a while ago and now we all are scattered in the hall gossiping while listening to the host's and their family members' appreciation speech to them .

In my whole life there were very few times when I was invited to weddings and the number among them I attended was fewer! But I've never felt the overwhelming happiness as well as the loneliness at the same time seeing a couple saying "I do" exchanging the deepest warmth of promises to hold onto each other through good and bad, through health and ill!!

    I almost teared up seeing the biggest smile on unnie's face after they exchanged the kiss. I was just missing a certain someone. I wonder how he would feel watching the most beautiful scene of love being unfolded with his love beside his side. Would he also feel overwhelmed!! Would he consider this stage of loves to be the most beautiful like the way I did!! Would our direction towards love be the same!! Or am I the only one running towards the path that has no destination !! What is our destination again?


" Hello, come to earth baby!" Taehyung cleared his throat snapping me out of my overthinking .

Damn!! The way I'm always indulged in thinking baseless things , I would definitely need psychiatrist in the near future.

"Oh hi! You're back !! Finished trying flirting to every girl you saw Tonight??" I started mocking him knowing very well how he despised talking to those girls who would always try to get his attention every scope they got and Our dear TaeTae here being the humble social butterfly can't say 'no' to them on their face . So he always gets stuck among them . I kinda find that situation funny.

"Don't laugh too much !It's all your fault! Only if you're my girlfriend they'd know to whom I belong to not mess with me!" Taehyung said smirking and I know him very well to know when he's teasing.

"Too bad!! I'm not!!" I played along slapping his chest lighting as we both laughed.

If I say that Taehyung has moved on from me then that would be the biggest lie. But I can see that he's moving on or at least he's trying and we both are fighting in this together. There's awkwardness some times between us but we don't avoid each other , we are fighting to keep  our friendship lively the way it has always been. Bcz we're friends no matter what.

   We met many friends and co workers the night and exchanged greetings. As most of them were our mutual acquaintance Tae was together with me all along the wedding.

It's almost 11.30pm when I started to feel sleepy . It's been a hectic day doing nothing just attending a wedding.

I yawned for the third time when Taehyung offered to drop me off to home  and I was just fishing an excuse to avoid exposing my address to be jeon's apartment when I got a call .

  Excusing myself I picked it up and my breath hitched hearing the voice I've been waiting to hear all day. During shooting jungkook gets so busy that he almost forget about everything and I was no exception I guess. I have last heard his voice yesterday morning saying two " Are you alright? Oh I'm being called , I'll see you soon,love!"

   And to say that I did not cry would be a lie.

I don't trust my own emotions now a days.

"Jungkook!" I almost whispered taking a breath of relief.

"Where are you Y/N? I've called at the reception and they said you're not on duty? Been calling you and you are not answering for minutes?!" The worry in his voice is visible but the tone was authoritative that made be a little frightened.

  "Yeah, I've taken a leave. Today's our co-workers wedding so! Are you- ?"

"Y/N , let's go it's getting late!"Taehyung being the impatient he is shouted from the door of the balcony where I excused myself earlier to take the call. And I cursed myself mentally for forgetting that he was waiting outside.

"Is that Taehyung?" Jungkook's question brought me back to the line.

"Yeah! Are you home?" I tried to change the topic knowing very well where this conversation is going.

"Park Y/N , I want you send me your address now! I'm coming to pick you up!"Jungkook was mad and I didn't need to be told twice to put oil in the fire disagreeing with him .

"Ah- yeah .. okay!" I instantly cut the call and send him the location.

Now how do I dismiss Taehyung!! Why do I always get in trouble handing these two!!

"Taehyung!! I got a call from hospital. I would have to pay a visit there ,you go ahead . It's already late!" I lied for the nth time in my life.

Taehyung looked at me with puzzle look on his face. But he still baught the lie.

"Let me drop you there then!" He was insistent as always.

"No,no!! Your home is far opposite. You go. I'll take a cab!" I tried my best.

Though Taehyung wanted to protest again ,he at last gave in and went to his car and drove off saying good night.

I'm starting at the parking lot alone where I asked jungkook to come fearing other's might see him if I stand at the entrance.

I'm almost freezing at the chilly wind here and counting the excuses I'd come up with the bunny angry with me for the appearant reason.

First he came to an empty home which was not a new but he has always been updated about my whereabouts.

I don't know how the wedding thing slipped out of my mind to inform him about.

Secondly, he heard the mighty Kim Taehyung calling me and I can imagine how over possessive my bunny can get when there's a Kim in the scenery.

  I squeezed my eyes shut when the blinding light of a car approached.

The car stopped in front me revealing the most beautiful man I've ever loved .

"Get in!"
That's it!!
He just opened the door for me and took his driver's seat without sparing me a glance!!

Y/n, you're doomed !!


  I'm having my final exams, okay!! 😭
I'm trying to upload!! 🥶

(Now handle the angry bunny)😌

AFFECTION OR LOVE?? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora