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Next day:
  I woke up with the sun rays hitting my tired eyelids & opening my eyes I checked the surrounding processing that I was in Busan.

  After freshening myself ,I went to the kitchen for making breakfast & porridges for dad.
Having our breakfast in a comfortable silence ,me & Tae went back to the hospital.

I handed the porridges to the nurse to feed apps later as he was still sleeping.

"Eomma, you should go home & take some rest! I'm here to take care of Appa!" I urged mom to go back home as she was looking so pale from exhaustion & worries.

After a moment if silence she just nodded weakly & went back to home after checking once at dad.

Around 11am Appa woke up.
His face expressed the sign of exhaustion as the outcome of surgery.
I fed him the porridges & medicine to only make him rest again.
He fell sleep again shortly.

Taehyung was by my side all along as he took one day leave from duty.

Shitttttt!! I forgot to inform jungkook!!
I panicked as soon as I remembered in which state I cane running to Busan without even informing anyone.

"Tae!! I didn't inform jungkook!" I said nearly fearing how jungkook might be confused about my sudden absence or would he worry?

"Don't worry! I informed jimin. He might have told jungkook too." Tae replied holding my hand giving me a soft assuring smile.

Oh!! That's a relief!!
I huffed.

Around 5 of the afternoon we left Busan for Seoul as Appa was quite stable as the doctor said.

We arrived at Seoul at 7.30pm.
I got off the car & bade Taehyung with a ' thank you'.

"You're really an angel Tae!" I spoke being overwhelmed with gratitude.

"And you're my fairy!" Taehyung stroked my hair smiling broadly.

"I'll go now. Good night!" I hugged him & turned around .

"Good night baby! Rest well!" He replied.

It's been 15mins ,I'd been waiting outside jungkook's apartment pressing the doorbell again & again. But there's no sign of that brat opening the door.
  Is he deaf or something!!

I sighed dropping my shoulder as the thought of hiring a taxi & going back to my dorm when I was this exhausted appeared in my mind.

I turned around to enter the elevator when the clicking sound of door caught my attention & jungkook pulling me inside by grabbing my arm tightly.

"W-what are you doing?" I was shocked but more scared by his tight grip .

He closed the door behind me & pinned me to the wooden door.
Caging me between his body he literally slammed my back against the door rudely.

"What do you think this is? A hotel? Where you can come & go whenever you please?" He shouted piercing my eyes with burning intense gaze.

His gaze full of rage, like he wouldn't think before killing someone twice at that moment.

I was struggling to free myself but his grip got more firm holding me at my place.

"M-me & Tae.." 
I started stuttering to calm him down from his unknown anger when my sentence got swallowed by one pair of soft lips that were already claiming my whole soul merching against my lips.

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