" Far! "

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No tranquil water flow of the most serene lake, no chirping birds that play the role of morning alarms , no hair ruffling kind of mild breeze that touches the deepest core of one's soul filling with serenity and calmness can be compared to the completeness one feel being in the arms of their lovers, healed and hearty !

After such a heart wrenching wait of forever I was back to the one I belong and my shelter embraced me with the same love I always desired , making me feel the impossibility of finding the resemblance to the only one that can calm my heart as well stir it up with the same passion, passion of love , of utter whippedness.

Do I mind that there's only one place where my heart can return to always?? You know I don't.

Life is never predictable, heck it never was.
No one could possibly imagine the dramatic change of one's own nature that comes along with falling in love, being loved the same way you love.

Sometimes it feels fictional , straight out of some famous romcom except the events like this where my fingers are slowly walking through jungkook's hair and his soft hum of appreciation reminds me that fictions are not the production of one's mind rather they are the reflection of one's life no matter how they end . There maybe the unwanted tragedy or the most desired togetherness that leaves the reader squealing with jittery hearts.

Let's not think about the end already. It's just the beginning, our beginning!

Jungkook and I spent hrs in bed with tangled legs and dancing hearts mingled with soft breathing of calmness , of contentment and once in a while , I've not felt the urge to wake up to greet the morning sun. It didn't matter if it was noon or already afternoon when we wake up as our destination was right close to our hearts after what felt like ages .

I took two days of leave from the hospital as I barely took some previously it wasn't a big of a problem.

And the way jungkook has put his phone on airplane mode since last night , it seems like he's all for me today and I'm already flying high in my imagination.

My delusional mind only can slip so much cz it knows going out on dates is never an option in our case. But I prefer this closeness we share ,being home and doing absolutely nothing then acting like an old married couple except the bickering is less and the affection of love is more in our case.

The time when we woke up we forgot all our misery of distance, getting back to being all smiley and goofy . Jungkook took shower and we ate the light breakfast with such a content smile that my heart swelled in happiness. According to him , homemade meals make him want to never go abroad .

After the meal, we found our place on the living room couch as I sat down with jungkook's head on my lap while he sprawled out on the couch like a star fish . He's playing some game on his phone and I found myself some books to read online ,both not minding the silence a bit as it was serenely filled with genuine appreciation for the other's presence.

I don't even remember when he took my hand and placed it on his head silently asking the attention he wanted . I smiled at his pouty face and attended his plea with utter affection .

We both are engaged in our own with sweet glances exchanged in between .


"Humm!" Jungkook humed now solely involved in his game .

I just stared at him for his attention but alas!
"Kookooo!" Looking down I whispered in his ear .

"Yeah , yeah?" Now the bunny looked at me with those big bumby eyes . How a human could be this adorable at his 20s!!!!

"Are you planning to grow your hair?" I asked ruffling his growing hair . He was away for few days and the slightest changes like the growing hair and the extra chubby cheeks with baby fat ,all thanks to the junk food he must've had in abroad caught my attention.

AFFECTION OR LOVE?? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ