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I was able to grabbed all three plates in my hands and I went into the dinning room. It felt weird cooking in Zoe kitchen and having Killian parents in the dinning room whispering something I didn't know about stuff about back in Masschuetts. I was really curious to where Killian was and why he wasn't here with his parents. I was just 'thrown' into this situation. I had hit in the kitchen until it was finish which took a while. I had only gone into the dinning room to ask if they would like anything to drink."

I went into the dinning hall and placed a plate in front of both his parents. Killian father Randolf eyes widen and he quickly picked up the fork. Sara gave her husband a look at how quick he was to eat. I made pancakes and stuff potatoes that had bacon, eggs, bell pepper, olive oil, onions, and cheese.

I heard a knock at the door and I quickly excused myself. I ran over to the living room door and swung the door open. Killian was on the other side and he looked a little concern. His nose flared and he groaned, “You guys left without me?” he asked as he walked in and into the kitchen. I followed over and saw him leaning against the table looking at his parents with a cold look.

“You were sleeping, honey.” his mom said, reaching over and cupped his cheek. “Even we were excited to meet her. Sit down, Matilda will make you something to eat.”

Killian stood up and looked at me. I forced him a smile and walked over. I put my hand around his arm and pulled him over to a chair next to mine, “I'll be right back.” I told him. “Would you like coffee, orange juice, or water for something to drink?”

“Huh?” he asked, arching his eyebrow at my sudden politness which was totally unlike me. “Mat, what's going—”

“Orange juice it is.” I said as I left into the kitchen and pour him a glass. I don't need any drama from his mother about being rude and unfit Mate which I heard her say. She whispered it and I could hardly hear her but I heard some of it.

As I pour the orange juice in the glass Killian came into the kitchen. He opened his mouth but I held the glass up to him. He rolled his eyes and took it but sit it down, “What's up with you?” he whispered.

“I'm being nice.” I said innocently but quickly turned cold. “And like a pack girl—so go back in there. I'll serve you and be the last to eat since apparently everyone can't get their own food.”

“Look I didn't know they were coming here without me.” he said. “I woke up and my uncle told me they already left. I ran here.”

“I didn't even know they were coming.” I coldly told him.

“We didn't make it to dinner last night and they still wanted to meet you.” he said. “I'm sorry, Mat. They just said we'll come in the morning and your phone kept taking me to voicemail.”

He stared at me for a second, “How hard is my mom being?”

“She's tough like nails.” I scoffed. “It's like she already doesn't like me.”

“She's always like this. She did the same with my brothers mates.” he said, reaching out and gently took my arm.

“Oh I'm sure it's more than a mom wanting the best for her son.” I said. “I'm sure your Uncle tells them how much trouble I be getting you into and how much trouble I am.” I grabbed a plate and started putting food on it, “Not only do I not meet her standards, she thinks I'm bad news. She knows my parents are rogues. She knows Alpha Lincoln 'arrested' me for thinking I had something to do with Melinda running away. And that I've been raised by humans.”

“I thought you don't care what people think of you, Mat.” he said.

“I don't.” I coldly said, feeling my eyes turn yellow. I stopped myself and set the plate down. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. I was just stressed and tired. After last night and everything else—it's so much. Killian parents, the wild rogues roaming around, going to Washington, Alpha Lincoln, and helping Nate become Alpha of Texas. I wasn't mad at Killian. “But if they're are gonna be in my life for now on I can't have your mother putting a hot iron down my throat everytime we're together. Killian, I wanna be a good mate but I don't know how.”

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