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"What is wrong with you, Killian?" Will asked, his hands pressed against my shoulders tightly to make me walk and not turn around to run back to that girl. I could like a pup follow her around all day.

"I-I don't know." I said, shrugging. "She-I don't know."

He hit my behind my head and I almost punched him for doing that, "Snap out it then. No girlfriends, you're first transformation is this Friday. You'll be with Melinda. You can't mess this up, cousin. Don't do anything to mess up becoming the Alphas son-in-law."

"I know, I know. Stop treating me like a child." I said. "Who is she though?"

"I don't know, some chick." he said. "And with the two second conversation I had with her, she seems really annoying and has a mouth."

"Who has a mouth?" Marco asked when we joined the others who were hanging around the Senior hallway and he got up from the window he was leaning on.

"That chick Mat Daughtry.", Will said and I turned to him confused.

"Mat?" I questioned.

"Her real name is Matilda, but she likes to be called Mat.", Blue said as she got up from the window to. She shrugged as we all looked at confused because she knows that, "You wolves don't really pay attention? She's been going to school with us since kindergarten."

"We don't care if they aren't one of us." Will said. "And what's up with her?"

"She lives in a group home-aka an orphanage in town called Wings Hope. She does have a feisty temper." she chuckled a little. "If I would have thought, she was one of us."

"Don't be an idiot, Blanche." Marco said and she narrowed her eyes on him to glare. I had only met her over the weekend, but she preferred being called Blue. "Why the sudden interest in that chick?"

"I-", I began but Will cut me off.

"She tried sassing me, nothing important." Will said, chuckling. "I bumped into her because I didn't see her and she got a little attitude."

"Doesn't catch my attention enough." Marco said in boredom. "Where the hell is my sister? Melinda been in the bathroom for over ten minutes now. Blue, go make sure she isn't sticking her head in the toilet again."

Blue looked annoyed but did what he said.

"Sorry you have to hear that, Killian." Marco said to be. "Sister is a real mess. I love her, but-"

"No need to explain." I said to him and he nodded. "I thought I could take her to Giovanni's pizza tonight-of course if that okay with you." I said, being all respectful to my future Alpha. If I'm supposed to live in this town the rest of my life, I at least should get somewhere in life. Will's dad may be the Beta but I can become the Alpha son-in-law and when he passes, the brother-in-law. I can go many places with that.

He smiled and put his hand on my right shoulder, "Dude, I have no problem. I would love you if you got her to eat a whole pizza to."

"I bet a can." I said confidently as I grinned with him. "I'll make her strong again."

We hugged each other as if we were brothers already, but I couldn't help but smell the scent of vanilla and hint of strawberries again. I turned my head to the right when they felt like they were slowing down again and I saw her again walking down the hallway.

She looked up when she was coming near to pass up and we made eye contact for a moment. Her big doe eyes widen for a moment before she shyly looked away, brushing her long brown hair behind her right ear, passing us.

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