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Devin was clearly surprised to see me in the morning. The night before I had just been attack along with Killian and I was suppose to stay clear of school for about two weeks to learn how to control myself. I couldn't be cooped up in the house all day though. I was fully rested and I rather be in school than in my room all day waiting for night to come. I even surprised myself because I never wanted to go to school.

“Where on Earth do you think you're going?” Devin asked as threw on my jacket. He stood up from the dinning room table, “You're staying home.”

“No.” I said, giving him a hard look. “I'm not gonna stay home all day again. It's Friday anyways, one day isn't gonna hurt.” I said as I walked around him over towards the front door.

He followed behind me, “You're risking allot though, Mat. You should be taking advantaging of staying home, not going to school where you don't seem to have allot of people liking you.”

“I can control myself, Devin.” I said, walking out of the house.

“We're still gonna talk about the other day.” he called out to me and I rolled my eyes as I walked down the street. I had avoided Devin all day yesterday since I had been sleeping and when I was awake I quickly ran out of the house to Killian place.

When I got to school I hurried over towards the group who were surprised to see me but didn't give me much problems like Devin did. I hugged Killian and in the corner of my eyes I turned to see Nate looking at me.

Killian cup my face and kissed me, “My parents should be arriving something in the afternoon. Their pretty interested in knowing about you.”

“Oh probably how I’m getting their son into a bunch of trouble.” I said, grinning. I looked around and noticed Marco and Will weren't here. I went over to Blue who was standing out of the crowd and looked lonely since her mate wasn't here. I put my arm around her and held her close. She gave me a small smile and leaned in close to me for comfort.

I felt someone eyes on me and I turned my head to the right to see Emily staring at me with a hurt look. She seemed to have been walking this way but stopped. I realized it was because the same way I'm comforting Blue was the same way I comfort Emily when she was upset. I haven't been able to spend to much with Emily like I had said I would since I've been busy and haven't had time.

I stepped away and went towards her, “Emily—“ She just turned around and quickly walked away, “Emily wait!” I yelled as I walked towards her but she soon picked up her pace and ran into the school. I stopped and my hands fell down to my side as I watched the door hoping she'll come back out because I felt so bad.

I turned around and walked back over to everyone. I went over towards Blue who put her arm around mine and I stared down at the ground feeling ashamed of myself because Emily probably thinks I abandoned her. Emily is still a very important person in my life.

“She was asking where you've been all week.” Blue said and scoffed. “Little human needs to get over it.”

I lifted my head and turned to face Blue surprised, “What?”

“Yeah.” she said. “Kept being a real pest to us all.”

“Blue—” Killian started but I cut him off quickly.

I pulled away from Blue, “Hey, watch it. Emily is still my friend and only cares about me. You all better have left her alone while I was gone.” I said warningly and everyone was quiet. I looked around confused and that just made me angry. My hands balled into a fist, “What?”

“Elliot may have embarrassed her in their Bio class.” a Junior wolf name Kyson said.

My protective instinct went over and my teeth bared as I turned my head to face the bratty young freshman and he awkwardly turned his head away. I walked over towards him and grabbed him by his jacket, pulling him close towards me, “You think you're funny, asshole?” I asked him and he held his chin up showing no fear to me but didn't try to do anything. I pushed him back until he hit a car and his back slammed down against the hood of it, “You will leave her alone!”

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