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I was one of those girls who eat their feelings out. I licked the side of the ice cream sandwich when Emily came in and she shook her head down at me. I glared at her for a moment for the judgment look. I had a hard day and if eating a box of chocolate ice cream sandwiches made me happy, oh well!

“You left this afternoon, you weren't supposed to.” she said as she sat on her bed across from my mine.

“Screw Mrs. Summers and her cheap lipsticks.” I said as I bit into the ice cream sandwich and spoke with my mouth full.

“Can wherever you went have to do why you're on your third ice cream sandwich?” she asked and I ignored her by stuffing my mouth. “That isn't very healthy, you know.”

“No and jeez, what is that smell?” I asked as I looked around. “Smells like dirty socks.”

“Have you checked your own?” she asked and I rolled my eyes. I crossed my legs and finished the ice cream sandwich. I picked up another sandwich and she got up from her bed, walking over and took the sandwich out of my hand. I gave her a confused look, “Stop it, you need to talk to me.”

“When I have ever really told you the whole truth?” I asked and she scoffed. “Em I'm fine and I just want to eat—“

“Something is on your mind.” she said. “Is it your new friends?”

I brought my finger up to my mouth and picked at my teeth, “No.”

“Liar.” she said. “They're a bad crowd, Mat. Since when do you start hanging out with them?”

I scoffed and pushed the box away so I could get up, “Their not as bad as I thought.”

“Who's Devin Vaughn?” she asked and my eyes widen slightly. “He came in here earlier demanding Mrs. Summers sign over custody and she had to threaten him with the police.”

“It's none of your business.” I said and she glared at me, shaking her head.

“I'm worried about you, Mat. I was freaking the other night when you stayed out all night, I thought they might have done something to you.” she said.

“Oh come on, I know how to take care of myself.” I said as I sat down on the bed. “They’re not such bad people like I thought, their just . . . different.”

“Different?” she questioned. “And they finally took a noticed to you?”

I shrugged, “So? Why not.”

“They’re going to get you in trouble, serious trouble.” she said. “You hanging out with them, eating with them, going over to their house, and even dressing like them.”

“Sounds like you’re jealous.” I said and her eyebrows furrowed together. “Because I'm not spending so much time with you, my life doesn't revolve around you Em. I need friends my own age.”

“And Marco Hanigan group is really the right people to be around?” she asked. She threw the ice cream sandwich on at me and my mouth dropped, “I'll go stay with Lisa tonight.” she said as she turned and grabbed her blanket and pillow.

“Em wait, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.” I said as she walked over towards the door but she didn't turn to face me. “I'm just trying to make you understand that you don't know them like I do, everyone changes.”

“And moves on.” she said before she quickly walked out. I sighed heavily and ran my hand threw my hair, shaking my head. I felt so bad now because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt Emily, she is like a sister to me and I do love her but it was true. Everyone changes and I am. Marco group wasn't as bad I thought now that I know them.

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