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Gilbert Residence.
December 6th.

Elena and Stefan are seated on Elena’s bed, a box between them as Elena questions her boyfriend.
“Stefan, who was that man from the road? The one I hit with my car?”

Stefan sighed, not knowing the answer.
“I don’t know. Do you remember anything about him?”
She shook her head.

“I wish. I never really saw his face. He was wearing a hoodie. All I can remember is that there was these black boots coming towards me.”

Stefan nodded before bringing some things out of the box, showing them to Elena.
“I brought some vervain for, um—for you, Jenna and Cherith.”

Stefan then brings out a nice leather bracelet.
“And, um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy, few extra ones for friends too.”
He hands Elena the bracelet and she takes it and observes it.

“You can put the vervain in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink, but as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you.”

Elena nodded.
Stefan hands Elena a small vial of liquid vervain.

“Wow… so much to remember”
She mumbled, slightly confused and Stefan nodded sympathetically at her as she picked up a dried up vervain.

“I know, but there's another vampire in town. So until we find out who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful.”

Elena nodded understandingly.
“It’s okay. This could give me the chance to get something nice for Cherith.”

Stefan gave her a small smile.
“She’s still not talking to you?”

Elena sighed, a feeling of guilt settling in her heart.
“Yeah. She avoided me all through yesterday. Our fight… it wasn’t, pretty…”

Stefan brushed his hand softly on her cheek.
“It’s okay. I’m sure she’ll come around.”

Elena scoffed slightly.
“One thing you should know about my sister, Stefan, is that she knows how to hold a grudge. Always has even just a few months after she was born. And so, this vervain is an opportunity to get her something nice looking at least."


Downstairs, Jeremy is sketching at the dining table when the bell suddenly rang, and he stood up to open the door.

It was the pizza guy.

He smiled at Jeremy, bringing out the pizza from the bag.
“Hey! It’s gonna be 22 dollars.”
He said and Jeremy nodded, turning up the stairs.

“Elena! The pizza money!”

He then turned back to the pizza guys, waving him in.
“Hey you can come in. Just, put it on the table, she’ll be down soon.”

With that, Jeremy turned and walked back to his drawing while Elena came down to pay.
“Hi um… keep the change.”
She said nicely and he collected the money, looking at her rather creepily as be back walked out.

“Thanks. And uh, you have yourself a goodnight.”
Elena smiled at him, closing the door and the pizza guy smirks as he turns, putting his hoodie back on and jogging off.

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