Confessions Of A Scarlet Witch

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May 15th.

It had been a rough time, the two weeks that had passed.

Or at least it seemed so to Cherith.

Apart from the foolish idea she’d had which ended with her announcing her very presence to the Chaos god, she learnt that her brother got shot and died but ended up being brought back to life by Bonnie.

Cherith decided (after almost dying from a heart attack) that she loved Bonnie for life because of that.

Apparently Damon had been bitten by Tyler and had almost died too but Stefan made some sort of deal with that blonde bastard which in turn gave him access to a cure.

But then, he left with said blonde bastard.

The two weeks that had gone by had been absolutely quiet yet tense.

Elena stuck in heartbreak mode, or was it Jeremy who had been acting weird.

Honestly, if Cherith didn’t k ow better she’d believe her brother was being hunted, seeing as how he had this crazy eyed look to himself life Mad Eye from Harry Potter. It was like he was expecting something to jump out and attack it spook him.

Maybe he saw something when he died?

Anyways, Cherith wasn’t going to complain. Her brother was okay… what if he’d died??

Because she sure knew she didn’t know how to bring back dead oe, no matter what Jonas Martin had claimed. And she didn’t have the advice of over a dozen ancestors like Bonnie had.

Then there was the sheriff.

Oh how Cherith had wanted to wring the lady’s neck for shooting Jeremy, even though it was an accident.

That woman finally found out the person she trusted in this damnable town was an actual enemy… still didn’t mean she felt bad for her.

She was only thankful Liz had put up with her and her siblings after their parents died, but that was the limit to her patience.

The number of family members she had had dwindled over the years… it was better to covet the little you have regardless of the stupidity they exhibited occasionally.

But now though… she had other things on her mind.

As Cherith packed her little luggage with the items she needed for her senior trip, she idly played with the idea of finally telling her siblings about what she really was.

She had planned to do it earlier, but with everything that had been happening, and the siblings seemingly dealing with their own problems… well, it’s safe to say things had been hectic.

Poor Alaric.

In order to warm his way back into Jenna’s good graces once more, he’d taken to spending nights with the siblings, seeing as she was also getting ready to graduate.

The Scarlet Witch of Mystic FallsWhere stories live. Discover now