Slappy the Dummy (Goosebumps(2015) Jack Black)

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A/N- This character was requested by MichelleAnnMilloria. I thank you for your request and I do apologize for taking so long to get to your request. I hope that you enjoy your request.

How He Finds/Meets You- On the night Slappy was released from his "prison", he was riding along the streets of Madison in the "Slappy mobile" when came upon a small box, which held a crying baby. "Who would be so cruel to such an innocent child?" He thought as he picked up the baby. "Don't worry little one. I'll take care of you and keep you safe." Slappy said as he took the baby into his car. "I think this child will be my greatest prodigy and my papa's greatest downfall." He thought to himself. When Slappy returned back home, he saw that the baby was sound asleep. "My little puppet. I think I'm going to like to be a papa." He said as he took the baby inside, where all the other Goosebumps monsters were waiting.

His First Night with You at Home- When Slappy entered the funhouse, the werewolf of forever swap, could smell two scents and began to growl

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His First Night with You at Home- When Slappy entered the funhouse, the werewolf of forever swap, could smell two scents and began to growl. "Easy boy. It's alright. This is my child, nothing to fear." He said as the werewolf backed down. "What are you going to do with the child, Slappy?" A monster asked him. "Easy. I'm going to raise the baby as my own and when the time is, we'll take Stein out for good." He said as he placed the now sleeping baby in a cradle that one of the witches had made appear.

A little later the baby had woken up and was frightened by the monsters and began to cry, getting Slappy's attention

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A little later the baby had woken up and was frightened by the monsters and began to cry, getting Slappy's attention. "Shh... don't cry little one. It's okay. These are your aunts and uncles and cousins. They won't harm you." He cooed as you saw the werewolf of forever swamp and giggled, for to you, he looked like a big, fluffy puppy dog. You cooed up at him as your daddy told him to laydown, so you could play with him. After playing with the "puppy dog", you got hungry and your daddy ordered the witches to make you a normal bottle of milk, as your daddy sent out the other monsters to get some baby stuff for you. "Okay my little puppet. Let's get you fed and then daddy will get you ready for bed." He cooed as he fed you. Once you had a full tummy, your aunts gave you a bath, just as the other monsters returned home. "Slappy. The baby is a girl/boy." One of the witches said as she gave you to you daddy. "Bedtime little one." Your daddy cooed as he got you dried, diapered and dressed before placing you into your bassinet. "What am I going to name you? I know, I'll name you, y/n." Your daddy said as you drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight, y/n. I love you." He said as he tucked you in.

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