Laurie Strode (Halloween 1978)

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A/N: This request was requested by InsMatias9. I do hope that you enjoy your request and thank you for requesting.  

Also I wanted to add Laurie's "parents" into the story, since we only see Mr. Strode in the first one and only hear about them in Halloween 2.  And a HUGE Thank You to Chanbien & VampiresAndSuch for your help. You guys are Fang-tastic ^vv^

How She Finds/Meets You- One day, while on her way back home from school, Laurie heard a crying sound.   She put her books down and followed the crying sound. As the crying sound grew louder and louder, she stopped when saw a basket by a tree.  As she got closer, Laurie opened the basket and saw a tiny newborn baby. "Oh, you poor thing. Let me get you to a hospital." She said as she swaddled the baby up in her sweeter.  Luckily for her, Laurie's best friend, Annie Brackett was the daughter of Officer Leigh Brackett and he was always ready to help. Also Annie didn't live too far from Laurie.  As Laurie made her way to Annie's house, she saw her father and ran over to him, carefully. "Mr. Brackett! I need help!" "Laurie? What's the matter?" He asked, being very concerned. As Laurie told him what happened, officer Brackett called a friend of his, which happens to be an ETM.  Once officer Brackett's friend came, he looked at the baby and did a full examination on the baby.  

"Well? How's the baby?" Laurie asked with concern.  "The baby is healthy, just tiny scrap on the left hand but nothing serious." The doctor said as he packed up his things and left.  "What are you going to do, Laurie?" Officer Brackett asked.  "I'm going to raise the baby as my own, if that's okay with you, Mr. Brackett."  She said. "Well I'm going to see if the baby has anyone, but I don't see no harm leaving the baby in your care."  He said.   "Thank you, Mr. Brackett." She said as she took the baby home to her house. 

Her  First Night with You at Home- When Laurie  brought the baby home,  she took the baby  upstairs and gave the baby a bath.   While bathing the baby, Laurie had found out that the baby was a little girl/boy.  Laurie smiled, for she always wanted a baby girl/boy.   "Hello there little girl/boy. I'm your new mommy and I promise to be the best mommy ever to you." She cooed as the baby giggled up at her.   "Let's get you in something warm." Your mommy cooed as she thought about the prefect name for her baby.  "I think I'll name you, y/n. Do like that name baby girl/boy?"  She cooed as you smiled up at her.   "I'll take that as yes. Now let's get you dressed into something warm." She cooed as there was a knock on the door.  "Now who can that be?" Laurie thought as her best friend, Annie Brackett came to the door.  "Hi Laurie. My dad wanted me to bring this box of baby stuff over to you." She said.  "Oh thanks Annie.  You can come in and we'll be ready in a few minutes."  Your mommy said. "We?" Annie thought as your mommy had just finished getting you ready.  "Annie, meet my little girl/boy, y/n.  Y/n, this your aunt Annie." Your mommy said as you smiled at your new aunt.  "Well hello there cutie/handsome." Annie cooed.   You started to fuss, due to you were hungry. "I'm going to feed this little one, then we can go to the Doyle's and the Wallace's, since we're babysitting." Your mommy said as your aunt Annie as she went back home. 

Your mommy made you a bottle of milk and began to feed you. "Here baby girl/boy. A bottle made with love, just for you." She cooed.  After you were burped, your mommy got everything ready to go Tommy Doyle's house. "Ready to go bye-bye, y/n?" She cooed as she buckled you into your carrier  and placed a warm blanket on you, so you wouldn't get cold. 

Who She Trust to Babysit You- The only people your mommy trusted to babysit was your grandparents, since Annie and Lynda were too "involved" with their boyfriends, Paul and Bob. 

Halloween: Classic Horror Movie Parent Scenarios: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now