Rachel Manning (Ash VS Evil Dead) Catch-Up

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This character was requested by Darklove1478.   I do apologize for taking forever to get to your request. I hope this makes up for it. 

Warning: A small mention of the words: psycho and kill, some cursing and creepy picture of Rachel Manning as a deadite.  

Also a HUGE thank you to Chanbien for all your help. You're the BEST 

How She Finds/Meets You- On a cold, dark, rainy night, Rachel was in the music room at Elk Grove high school, when she spied a car pulling up into the high school. "I wonder what's going on." She thought as she heard the doors open and Rachel heard the strangest sound that she'd ever heard.  "Come on or that demon girl will get us."  A young teen boy said as his girlfriend came out carrying something in her arms.  The two were just entering the music room,  when Rachel possessed some the instruments and speaking in her "demon-like voice"  "GET OUT!" The couple dropped the thing, making the sound again.   "Don't let them get away!" She hissed as a few deadites came up and chased after the couple, while Rachel  went back to her normal form and went over and found a tiny baby girl/boy, who was crying for someone. 

"Shh... don't cry little one.  It's going to be okay, now.  Those meanies can't hurt you anymore." Rachel cooed as she took the baby to a house that she haunts and gave the baby a bath, to get rid of any trace of the old parents.  "You know little one. If I'm going to be your new mommy, I have to give you a name. How about y/n?" She asked the baby, who cooed up at her when said the name, y/n.  "Y/n. My little y/n." Your new mommy cooed at you, making you squeal, happily with joy.  

Her First Night with You at Home- After your new mommy gave you a bath and got you into a pair of baby footie pjs, your mommy ordered the deadites to go out and get some baby items, while she stayed with you.  You saw her choker and began to poke at it, making you giggle. "(Chuckles) What are you doing? Are you playing with mommy's choker?" She cooed as she booped your nose, making you giggle more.   Once the deadites came back, your mommy sent them away, while she washed a few baby bottles and prep them, knowing that were getting hungry soon.  "Is my little girl/boy hungry?" She asked as you made grabby hands at the baby bottle.  Your mommy picked you up, swaddled you and heated up your bottle.  After your mommy tested the milk and it was just right, she began to feed you, while humming a soft lullaby.   You fussed a little, for you need a new diaper, so your mommy changed you quickly, for she knew that you were tired and she wanted to put you to bed soon, since it was getting late.  After you were changed,  your mommy re-swaddled you and began to rock you to sleep.  Once you were asleep, your mommy made a handmade baby bed on the couch for you and ordered the deadites to put your crib, changing table and bassinet for you.  

Who She Trusts to Babysit You- The only person your mommy trusted to watch you was herself, for even if she took you to her best friend, Brandy Barr, who is the daughter of the famous Ash Williams, she knew that Brandy would rat your mommy out to her father and he would try to kill her. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your mommy was working on a special nursery for you. You were downstairs taking a nap and was just starting to wake up. Your mommy heard you over the baby monitor and smiled, for she can't wait to show you your big surprise.  "Is my wittle baby girl/boy up?" Your mommy cooed in a baby voice, making you smile. "There's my wittle y/n. Did we have a nappy-wappy?" She cooed as you snuggled into her. "Awww. Someone loves mommy, don't you my sweet baby girl/boy?" Your mommy said as she kissed your head.   "Mommy has a special surprise for you, y/n, but mommy needs you to close your eyes." She said as she covered your eyes, which made you giggle as you tried to peek.  "Ah-ah. No peeking or the tickle monster will get you." She cooed as she tickled your feet.  Once your mommy had your eyes recovered, she opened the door to your nursery and removed her hand.  

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