Regan MacNeil (The Exorcist 2: The Heretic)

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A/N- This character was requested by my dear best friend, Chanbien.   Also a HUGE thank you to @Chanbien for your help as well. You're amazingly talented 😊

Warning: A small mentioning of the word: Sacrifice & possession.

How She Found/Meet You- It was cool summer's night, when Regan MacNeil was out on a walk, when she heard crying and two voices doing a summoning chant.   She followed the chanting voices and saw two parents that were trying to sacrifice a newborn baby girl/boy!  "Hey! Leave that little baby alone!" Regan yelled as the summoning spell was ruined. "No! You ruined the summoning spell!" The mother hissed as she shoved the baby into Regan's arms.  Regan got angry and called the cops, who were just around the corner and they arrested the birth parents. Regan looked down at the newborn baby, who had a small black and blue mark on it's leg. Regan felt more angry, but she knew that the baby needed medical attention so she called for a cab and went to the hospital with the newborn baby.  (Time skip to the hospital) 

Once Regan arrived at the hospital, she begged for help and a doctor came over to her and she explained everything to the doctor.  "Don't worry.  I'll make sure the baby gets examined thoroughly." The doctor said.  "Can I be in the room while you do the examination, doctor?" She asked as the doctor, who was a female agreed to let Regan come with her.   Once the examination started, the baby got scared, but Regan held the baby's hand and told the baby that everything is going to be okay and that she/he was safe.  "Well Ms.?"  "MacNeil, but you can call me Regan." She said. "Well Regan, the baby is healthy and is a little girl/boy." The female doctor said.  "Doctor? Can I adopt the baby girl/boy?" Regan asked her. "Sure.  I'll have a nurse print out  the adoption papers and I'll bring  some diapers, bottles and an outfit for your baby girl/boy."  The doctor said as she left the room to get the papers and the baby essentials.   Regan smiled as she picked up her newborn baby girl/boy.  "Hi sweetheart. I'm going to be your new mommy and I swear and promise you to the best mommy to you." She said as the baby girl/boy cooed up at her.   "Now what to name you?" Regan said as she thought of the perfect name for her new baby girl/boy. "I think I'll name you, y/n. Do you like that name, y/n?" Your new mommy cooed as you cooed happily at your new mommy and your new name. 

Her First Night with You at Home-  After your mommy had signed the adoption papers, got you bathed and changed into a fresh diaper and a sleeper, your mommy called her friend, Sharon Spencer.  "Regan?! Where are you?!" Sharon said in a panic-like voice.  "Sharon, calm down. I'm okay. I'm just in the hospital for I saved a baby girl/boy from two every mean parents." Your mommy said as she told Sharon on how she found you and ended up in the hospital.   "Alright. I'm coming to get you and your baby girl/boy." Sharon said as she got ready to come pick you and your new mommy up.   Before Sharon came to pick you and your mommy up, she stopped at a Wal*Mart and got some baby essentials and a travel system.    (Time skip to the hospital)

When Sharon arrived at the hospital, she couldn't believe how motherly-looking Regan looked.  "Shh... I just got y/n to sleep." Your mommy whispered as Sharon brought in the car seat and baby blanket and place them onto the hospital bed. Are you ready to go home?" Sharon asked your mommy who nodded yes.  Your mommy got up gently and placed you into your new car seat, buckled you in and placed a summer time blanket over you and the car seat.  (Time skip to home) 

Once you, your mommy and Sharon were back at home, your mommy took you inside of the apartment, where she and Sharon lived.  You whimpered a little bit, due to the sudden movement, but your mommy soothed you right away.  "Shh... y/n. Don't cry baby girl/boy. Mama's here.  Mama's here." She cooed as you calmed down. "There we go. Now mama's going to be right back." She cooed as she buckled you into the car seat again, so you wouldn't get hurt and went to help Sharon bring in the baby items she had bought.  Once everything was brought in, your mommy and Sharon set the pack and play for you.  After the pack and play was set up, you began to cry, for you were hungry. "Okay baby girl/boy. Mama's going to feed you." She cooed as she unbuckled you and got a bottle from the hospital bag and began to feed you.  After you were fed, you decided to give your mommy double duty, for you need to be changed.  "(Cooing) Are you giving mommy a run for her money?" Your mommy said as she tickled your tummy and got the changing materials out and began to change your diaper.  Once you were changed, your mommy threw away your old diaper, washed her hands before she picked you up.  "Now let's get you to bed, y/n, for it's way passed your bedtime." Your mommy cooed as she placed you in the pack and play, covered you up, sang a lullaby to you and kissed you goodnight.   "Sweet dreams baby girl/boy.  Mama loves you very much." Your mommy said as she went to go get a shower and go to bed as well as Sharon. 

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