Chapter 14

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Ten's POV

Well, that's over. I'd talk to Yeona all day if I could, but obviously, we've got our own lives to live. And so our conversation is ending... For the time being.

I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that I'll be talking to her a lot. Because... Yeah, we need to arrange that Louis, Leon, and Luna playdate. Mhm.

Honestly though, Yeona is a really cool person who I want to get to know better. It's been so long since I've talked to someone who isn't either family or someone work-related. I'm just holding normal conversation with a stranger, and it's fun.

There's a lot that I've learned about her, though. For example, Yeona works at Winwin and Chunmei's café, as we refer to it due to the amount of times they visit the place each week.

This almost confirms my suspicion that Yeona doesn't have any idea who WayV is. Winwin would have told us if he got recognized in public and asked for advice or something. It's also possible that they've never met, but I'll just assume that she's a non-NCTzen for now.

I end up scrolling through our short conversation, checking to see if there's anything I managed to miss.

"Ten! Wanna come out for breakfast?" Lucas asks, his tall figure blocking the doorway as he dries his hair with a towel.

"Sure," I respond, finally putting my phone down. To be honest, that wasn't even a question. He knows that I'll say yes. These days, we never miss "family meals" without an important reason.

As usual, we slip into comfortable conversation. I eat and give my input every once in a while, although I'm not as invested in the conversation as I usually am.

Unfortunately for me, it seems that Yangyang has noticed this. I gulp, seeing that he's stopped eating as if he has something to say. "Oh, did you guys know that Ten has been talking to a neighbor? She's a cat owner."

The reactions from WayV are mixed. Yangyang, obviously, looks satisfied with himself. Lucas doesn't look too surprised, as he already knew this was happening. The rest of the members are chattering about it, while Kun and Chunmei share a look.

"Yangyang, you didn't have to expose me like that," I mutter, although I'm not too upset about it. To be honest, I sort of wanted to tell her about my new friend, if I can call Yeona that.

Xiaojun suddenly slaps the table with his hand, getting our attention. He dramatically turns towards me, then, with wide eyes, asks, "Are you confirming it?"

This sends everyone into another fit of chaos. These people can be so extra sometimes. Then again, I shouldn't be talking. If I were in one of their positions right now, I'd probably be doing the same thing, overreacting with everyone.

"Wait, did Yangyang say it was a 'she'?"
"He did!"
"How's it going with her, Ten?"
"So this is why you were smiling at your phone earlier?"
"Hopefully she isn't going to leak our private information-"
"Be quiet, Kun, you old man. We're celebrating right now-"
"Exactly how did this  even happen again?"
"How did you meet?"
"What is your opinion on this, Ms. Manager Chunmei?"

The last one is the question that catches my attention. Chunmei is definitely the most chill manager we've ever had, but she's still got to do her job of protecting us. I turn towards her, repeating the question. "So... What's your take on this, Chunmei?"

She considers this for a moment. "I mean, I obviously wish you had run it past me before talking to her, but I'm not gonna be like that right now. It seems like things are alright with her, and you're having fun, so... I'm fine with it, I guess."

The room erupts into cheers. I shake my head with a laugh. "Guys, we don't even know each other that well-"

"Wanna tell them the story of how you met?" Yangyang asks, cutting me off.

"Sure. So, Louis and Leon were staring at the neighbor's cat, Luna. Yangyang suggested that I talk to her, so I did, by making a sign and taping it up. Then, this morning, we started texting as not to waste paper, so yeah."

"You're texting her? Wow!" Yangyang exclaims. The rest of WayV doesn't look too surprised by this strange way of meeting a person. We're all used to the weirdness of this group.

Chunmei, who looks as if she's been thinking, asks, "One question. Does she know who you are?"

"No, I don't think so. I've dropped plenty of hints-"

I'm cut off by a pterodactyl-like screech from Hendery. "You're dropping hints?"

"No, not like that. I'm dropping hints that I'm Ten from NCT," I clarify, mentally facepalming. "Anyways, I'm going by a fake name and all, so I think we should be fine. I'm sorry for not running it past you, Chunmei."

Our manager shakes her head with a smile. "It's alright. You need your freedom, anyways. I think it'll all be alright."


look at Chunmei being a manager with actual common sense-

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