Chapter 25

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Yeona's POV

The training process was much more fun than I expected it to be, and I'm sure Luna had fun eating too. I did decide to stop before she got too fat and greedy, though. She needs to be kept under control.

"Do you want to just chill and talk for a while?" I suggest, leaning back in the sofa. Yes, I wouldn't usually suggest this, but I actually feel like I can talk to Tae and enjoy it.

"Sure," Tae responds, laughing as Luna jumps onto the couch and starts nudging his hand for more treats. "There's no more," he tells her, showing her his empty hands.

Seeing this, Luna walks over Tae's legs to stare at me with pleading eyes, as if I'm going to have treats. I shake my head, also showing her my hands, then suggest, "Let's go wash our hands really quickly so that she'll stop begging for food."

We head over to my kitchen to wash our hands, then walk back to the sofa to see that Luna is back on my desk again. Surprise surprise.

What's actually surprising, though, is that she leaves her spot as soon as we return to the couch. "Hey, Luna," I say to her, watching as she settles herself down between our legs. "Well, you've found a nice spot to sleep."

Tae reaches over to pet her. "Wow, her claws are so perfectly trimmed."

I laugh, inspecting her right paw. "Yeah, she actually sort of likes getting them trimmed. I have no idea why, but I'm not gonna be complaining."

"I have to go through a whole battle with Louis and Leon in order to let me trim their claws," Tae laughs, continuing to stroke Luna's fur.

We sit there for a few seconds, before Tae asks, "Do you usually cook for yourself?"

"Yeah, just the three meals of the day. I eat a lot of fruits, though," I respond. His reaction, a slight look of disgust and skepticism, interests me. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"I hate fruits. Fruits are scary," is his response. 

I do my best to contain my laughter at his slightly childish response. A little snicker escapes from my mouth, making Tae stop petting Luna to cross his arms and justify himself. "Look, fruits are terrifying, especially the insides of them. They make me nauseous."

"No, fruits are great-"
"They terrify me, though!"
"How are they scary?"
"The texture and the insides!"
"I literally eat fruits every day."
"And I haven't eaten one for a long time."
"They're not going to hurt you-"
"I still hate them."

I shake my head, still laughing at his interesting fear. I have never met someone who's afraid of fruits, but I'm perfectly fine with it, although I'm not going to stop eating fruits anytime soon.

"Wait, I've told you my greatest fear. Now you have to tell me yours," Tae announces.

"No, I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are."
"Do I have to?-"
"No, but come on, it can't be worse than a fear of fruits."

I sigh, thinking for a moment. Have I ever told anyone what my greatest fear is? No, I don't think so. I'm about to tell him about my fear of failure and social interaction, then realize he's probably not looking for something serious like that.

Pushing my pride aside, I go for it. "Alright, I'm terrified of balloons."

"Pfft, balloons? Please, did I actually hear that right?" Tae asks, his eyes wide with disbelief. He looks like he's trying to hold in his laughter, and he's failing pretty badly.

"Look, I had a terrible experience with them when I was little, alright? Some kid decided it would be a good idea to pop a balloon right next to my ear," I defend myself. "And then the one time I gave balloons another try, the balloon popped right in my hands and I've never touched one since then."

He doubles over with laughter. "No, but how on earth did that kid manage to scar you for life?"

"Balloons are terrifying and loud. Anyways, it looks like we're both scared of ridiculous things," I respond.

Tae shakes his head with a laugh. "What an interesting person you are."


im sorry about the fruit clowning Ten 🤡

ngl I had to search "ridiculous things to be scared of" on Google in order to come up with Yeona's fear of balloons-

Thanks for reading!

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