Chapter 58

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Ten's POV

"Hi, I'm back," I hear someone say softly behind me. Her voice is barely audible over the noise and chaos in the dorm, but without even turning around, I can tell that it's Yeona.

Taeyong, who I'm currently having a conversation with, seems to notice her too. Smiling, he says, "And that means that my wife is somewhere too, so I'll go. Go talk to your girlfriend now."

With that, he slips away, leaving me to turn around and greet Yeona. I immediately notice that she doesn't look traumatized by the volume of noise produced by us. In fact, she looks pretty comfortable here. Chaemin and Chunmei must have done wonders to loosen her up like that.

"Hi! How were they?" I ask. "You seem to have enjoyed talking to them."

"Yeah, they were really nice," my girlfriend responds. "Oh, and I stopped to introduce myself to some of the members on my way back, so yeah, they're really nice too."

I nod, trying to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Unfortunately, I can't stop the dry response that comes out of my mouth. "That's cool." Honestly, I don't even know why that annoys me, especially since the NCT members are so considerate. But I mean, we did just get together this morning.

She tilts her head to the side, as if she can sense jealous energy radiating off of me. It can't be that obvious... "Are you... jealous?"

"No, no, definitely not," I deny, shaking my head. Instead of allowing her to continue developing her suspicion, I take her hand and start pulling her somewhere with me.

~Time Skip~

"Well, that was a lot of fun," Yeona remarks as we board the van again. "Even though Ten was dragging me with him the whole time, but still, it was fun."

"Is somebody jealous?"
"And I thought Yeona wasn't into socializing-"
"She can't resist the NCT members."
"That's right, we're so much cooler than normal people."
"Let's be careful, Ten looks like he's about to murder someone-"

I shake my head at their speculations, opting to ignore them and change the topic. "You know, Louis and Leon have to go to the vet soon."

Yeona looks up, surprised. "Wait, Luna too. Her fur has gotten dirtier than usual from sitting in the window all day long... And last time I tried bathing her myself, she jumped out of the tub and ran all over my apartment, so I think taking her to the vet would be the best choice."

"Wait a minute, is the shop you go to the one a few blocks away from our apartment buildings? You know, the yellow one?" I ask.

Now she looks even more surprised. "Yeah! Wait, we could take them to the vet's at the same time for emotional support!"

"And go do something together while the vet does their thing?" I ask hopefully. The possibilities of fun things that we could do together are already flooding my mind. "And yes, that was my way of asking you out."

"I mean... Sure," Yeona responds, her face dusted a light pink color.

I clap my hands with excitement, until someone clears their throat behind me and Yangyang speaks up. "Uh... You know, we're still here."

"Right," I say, remembering that we're actually in the car with WayV. "But like, yeah, Yeona and I are going out tomorrow while our cats go have fun at the vet's." Before Yeona can even say anything about my spontaneous decision, my group starts talking.

"I can't believe he replaced us..."
"What are we going to do while you're gone?"
"Calm down, the poor guy is just taking his cats to the vet-"
"And abandoning us at home?"
"He's not your babysitter-"
"Hey, I'm not a baby!"
"Just let him go-"
"Yeah, we're going to let him go out with Yeona."

I nod, sending a thankful look towards Kun, who was the one who made the last statement. With that, I sit back in my seat, already planning out the shopping trip that I've decided to take Yeona on tomorrow.



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