Chapter 15

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Yeona's POV

My social battery isn't fully recharged yet, but I need to head off to work now. Luckily, my schedule isn't messed up at all, and I can still leave at the same time.

"Luna, stay safe, alright?" I tell the feline as I pull on my shoes. I'm well aware that she's not even going to acknowledge me, but it was worth a try.

At least the weather today is just as nice as it was yesterday. I can leave my window open for her until it gets too cold, which won't happen until the evening.

"Alright, bye Luna," I say, leaving her in the window and taking the elevator down to the lobby. It's funny how much my life has changed within a single day. Okay, it's not that dramatic, but the point is, this interaction with Tae is affecting me quite a bit.

Yesterday I was going through this same process, going to work and thinking about how boring my life was, and now I can't stop thinking about Tae.

Everything reminds me of him. I see the little courtyard between our houses and remember just how close we live to each other. I see a bird and think of the amazing drawing he sent me. For goodness sake, I even see the coffee shop, a place where I've been working for at least a year now, and think of his friend.

"Hey," I greet my coworkers, entering the café. The familiar scent of coffee hits me, putting a little bit of a smile on my face.

The worker behind the register looks up in surprise. "Hi! Look at you, Yeona, greeting us first today. You look happy today."

Is it really that obvious? I do my best to wipe the smile off my face, but I'm well aware that it's not working very well. What is wrong with me? "The nice weather is putting a good effect on my mood, you know."

"Sure," my coworker laughs, turning to face the lady that has just entered the shop. "Welcome! What can I do for you today?"

I leave her with the customer and head to the back room to get my apron.

As I don't need to put any thought into my job, I'm free to let my mind wander while taking orders at the register.

Obviously, my brain automatically goes to Tae.

~Time Skip~

And now it's the evening. The time when I'm free to do whatever I want after a long day. Usually, I'd spend a while thinking about whether I want to read a book or do something else, but today, the activity I want to do is unusually clear to me.

There's no point in denying it to myself; I enjoy talking to Tae. Turns out that I do, indeed, like talking to some specific people.

I pull out my phone, clicking on my conversation with Tae. Look at me, making first moves...


His response is immediate, as if he was waiting by his phone for me to say something.

how was ur day

pretty good
how about yours?

twas nice
louis and leon ignored me for the whole day tho :')

luna wont pay attention to me either ;-;

our cats have replaced us
guess we have to keep one another company then

yeah I guess so

Alright, looks like we're keeping one another company for now. It's not a bad idea, especially because Luna won't be acknowledging my presence any time soon.

so tell me about urself


Thanks for reading!

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