Chapter 16

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Ten's POV

"So, you're texting her, eh?" Yangyang asks, following me into my room. As I'm shutting the door, Louis and Leon jump up to my table and settle down again. After taking a quick break to eat, it looks like they're back to their staring activities.

I roll my eyes at Yangyang's question. "Yeah, we talked for a little this morning."

"Ooo, what did you talk about?" he asks. "By the way, you'd better be happy that I helped you approach her with my master plan, just in case this goes somewhere."

I can't help but hope that this really will go somewhere, but out maknae doesn't need to know that. "In case it goes somewhere, which I doubt it will."

"I don't know, anything can happen," Yangyang laughs. Before I can react to his strange statement, he asks, "So, are you gonna talk to her anytime soon?"

I consider this for a moment. If Yeona was at home in the morning, that most likely means she works the afternoon shift at the café. I just have a feeling that she's out working right now. I really shouldn't bother her. "No, Yeona's probably working and I don't want to bother her."

"Look at you, being all considerate of Yeona," Kun suddenly remarks. I whirl around to see him in the doorway. "I'm just here for Yangyang, but if I'm interrupting your conversation-"

"Nonono, you can have him," I respond.

"Yay, cooking class time!" Yangyang exclaims excitedly, bouncing out of the room without even looking back. Now I'm left to do whatever I feel like doing.

The question is, what should I do? 

Yesterday my choice was to spend time with Louis and Leon, but I don't think that's going to be possible today, considering how invested they are in their staring activities.

I can't do what I did this morning, because I want to be a considerate friend and let Yeona work in peace... Wait, friend? Are we friends, though?...

I shake the thought off and finally decide on drawing something.

~Time Skip~

"Alright, I'm gonna head to my room now," I announce, pushing back my chair and standing up from the dining table.

"Bye! Have fun talking to Yeona!" Yangyang exclaims, waving as I disappear down the hallway. That boy...

It's not like he's wrong about what I'm about to do, though. Now that it's the evening, I think Yeona might be free. And that means that we could possibly have a conversation.

The thing is, I'm not sure if she's actually free to talk. I consider texting her to check, then decide that I shouldn't bother her. My safest choice would be to settle down and do something on my phone while waiting for her to make the first move.

I entertain myself by watching videos of home makeovers, which is something that I enjoy a lot. I'm still not receiving any texts from Yeona, although WayV's meal schedule is a little bit messed up, so it's not too concerning.

Again, I consider texting to ask what she's doing, then refrain from doing so. It's interesting how much thought I'm putting into this. If I were texting anyone else, I wouldn't think twice about sending a message first, and here I am, holding myself back from doing so.

Just then, the notification that I've been waiting for appears at the top of my screen. I don't think I've ever clicked on a notification so quickly.


We talk about our days for a little bit. Turns out, they had something in common; our cats were ignoring us the whole time.

our cats have replaced us
guess we have to keep one another company then

Too bold? Okay, maybe that was a little too bold...

yeah I guess so

I audibly sigh with relief that I didn't manage to scare her off with that. Yeona is chill like that. Still, I should tone it down a little.

so tell me about urself

what do you want to know-

idk anything

well my indecisive self can't decide
but uh
hi hello I'm Yang Yeona and I'm 24


*cues formal Yeona again*


alright back to normal conversation we go-


wow ten falling for her already?-

Thanks for reading!

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