Important Notice

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This story has had SO many hate messages and I've been disrespected too often by some readers.

Just to make a few things clear before you spout nonsense like 'ShE shOUlD lOve HerSElF' bullshit.

The character is TRAUMATISED.

She has NO self-esteem or self-confidence.

She has been beaten down physically and mentally by everyone she knows including her parents and sister. No one has shown her any love or attention. 

Instead of throwing hate towards the character; try to understand her. Put yourself in her shoes for once instead of jumping the gun.

Don't tell her to get yourself and love herself or call her pathetic etc.

It isn't easy just to 'get over' the trauma of being bullied, especially by your parents and sister. The ones that are supposed to love you the most.

It took me YEARS to start to love myself. I went through a shit load of trauma and even now, I struggle with confidence and self-esteem. Everyone is different but this character has had it bad.

I'm fed up with the hate characters get just because they aren't like you.

This isn't a y/n story because personally, I don't like them. For me, the characters are a little dry and I don't like it. But that is my opinion, everyone is different so don't hate on me for that.

There also WILL NOT be any smut in this story. This story is a smut-free zone lol. Of course, I have stories with smut but you'll have to leave it up to your imagination.

I don't know when I will be publishing this again, I just thought I'd write this to make people aware of the shit I've dealt with because some readers are too blind to realise that this person is based on a real-life person. (Just not the marriage part)

I don't think I should have to explain myself, but some readers don't seem to want to understand how a character acts or responds in certain situations.

If you don't like the character, or my story, good for you and that's ok. It isn't much of a loss. I have people who support me so oh well. Shit happens. Just don't say anything nasty. Keep it to yourself and move along.

Not everyone is going to like my stories or me, but I honestly don't mind. Just don't spread hate about me or my stories. That is what I like to call pathetic and jealous.

For those who have tried to understand my character, thank you and thank you for the love and support you have given me. It honestly means a lot right now and my mental health is kicking my ass again and I am truly struggling.

I'll do my best to pick up the confidence and love for this book when I can, but for now, I'm taking a break from this and Wattpad. Too much negativity out there right now.

Thank you.

Mama Hoe <33

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now