The First Night

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Jimin opened his apartment door and went in before me. He hadn't said a word to me since we left the wedding reception. He was all smiles and kisses in front of the cameras and friends, but as soon as we were in the back of the limo, he was silent wearing no smile.

He had sat texting his friends the whole 2 hours back to his apartment. 

I awkwardly stood in the foyer, staring at the size. It was open plan with a large glass staircase leading up to another floor. The kitchen was black and white, like the rest of the open space in front of me. It was beautiful...apart from the mess.

Pizza boxes stacked high, empty bottles of beer and fizzy drinks were scattered around and his dirty laundry covered most of the floor and sofas. I swallowed back my disgust and found him throwing clothes from a chair, just so he could sit down.

No wonder my sister left him. Park Jimin was a slob.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He asked, finally looking at me "Hurry up and sit down or something. You are making the place look untidy"

Please tell me that was a joke. 

I pressed my lips together and lifted the front of my wedding dress to move further into the apartment. He dusted the cushion next to him from crumbs and patted the seat. I held in my disgust as I sat down next to him.

"Just to let you know, I wasn't happy I had marry you," Jimin said, "I loved your sister but she left me for some other guy"

"I can see why" I muttered.

"What was that?"Jimin snapped "If you have something to say, then say it"

I held in a sigh " can you live like this?"

Jimin looked around "Ah...well, that is your job as a wife"

"Excuse me?" I said, looking at him "You think that a wife is a slave?"

"Don't forget who you are talking to," Jimin said "The only reason why I married you was because my parents practically begged me to. They didn't want to lose their image and you're alright looking"

"But I'm not my sister," I said, with a sigh "I know I'm not my sister but it's not like I had a say in this either. I didn't want to marry you"

"Great!"Jimin smiled "So, after 6 months of our marriage is done, we can file for divorce"

"Why not sooner?" I asked, "If you want to get rid of me that fast, just divorce me now"

"I can't, Hana" Jimin sighed "My parents would lose face and so would I. I'm an idol. I can't be seen getting married and then getting a divorce straight away"

I bit my tongue and looked at the large TV hanging up on the wall. Jimin turned the TV on and laughed.

"Look wife," Jimin said, "Our faces are all over it"

"Park Jimin was wedded today to Kim Hana," The reporter said "To our shock, he didn't marry his long-term partner but her younger sister instead. According to reports, his relationship with Kim Eujin was a cover to protect her younger sister from the media. Park's representative said that today was the day he could show the world his true love. We wish them all the best in the future"

"That is a good cover," Jimin said, changing the channel and a picture of me came up walking down the aisle as a newlywed "You aren't Eujin, but you don't look too bad"

I gritted my teeth. My whole life I was compared to my perfect older sister and even in the news, I was being compared to her.

How is Hana your sister?

Wow, she isn't as pretty as you.

Are you sure you are related?

My sister Eujin was beautiful. Picture perfect. She was supermodel worthy, and her younger sister me, not so much. My skin wasn't as flawless as hers, and I had a few scars scattered across my forehead from when I tripped and fell as a kid. I stood taller than her but everyone thought her height was cute I was almost the same height as Jimin and people said I was a freak for being that tall. She was more skin and bone compared to me. I was slim, but I had more muscle and my breasts were larger than hers, not by much though.

"Kim Hana can't compare to her sister, but today she looked beautiful. This news shocked the nation when the news broke it was Kim Hana, not Kim Eujin marrying the idol Park Jimin who was wanted by many"

I held back my tears as they slagged me down. I heard people start talking about me, still comparing me to my sister and other idols, and I had enough. I had lived my entire life being compared to her and being bullied and judged just because I wasn't like her.

"I want to go to bed," I said quietly.

"Go upstairs...the last room. That one is yours" Jimin said waving me away "You have no clothes, so just take a t-shirt and trousers from my room"

"Will they be clean?" I asked, and he glared at me "Well? Are they?"

"Look in my wardrobe" He turned away from me "And wipe your eyes, your makeup is running and you look ridiculous crying"

I clenched my fists and walked away, feeling more tears rolling down my face. I sniffed and climbed the stairs, hiking the dress up to my knees so I didn't fall. I pushed open doors until I found Jimin's room and I raided his messy room for some clothes. I couldn't help but sniff everything just to make sure I wasn't wearing week-old dirty clothes. I swiped a pair of boxers and found my room.

I whimpered as I took the dress off and I fell onto the bed, weeping. How could my parents let me go through with this? They didn't care about how I felt, all they cared about was that one of their daughters was marrying a singer. I couldn't wait for the 6 months to run out. Living with this man, my husband, was going to be awful.

Jimin never cared about me when he first started dating my sister. I mean, he was ok when she wasn't around and he spoke to me as if I were human but then he changed when she showed up. He looked down his nose at me because I was just the ugly little sister. Even though he treated me rudely, and laughed at me...I still liked him. I was so stupid to think that all of that was just a front to impress my sister, but I was wrong.

Park Jimin was horrible and I would do my best to avoid him, even under the same roof.

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