I Snapped

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EDIT: My character got a lot of hate for standing up for herself so I thought I'd clear some things up before people lose their shit again.

She DOES NOT have anything against people who get plastic surgery. She isn't trying to shame anyone who gets surgery. What she said was something she knew would get to the other person which is what a lot of people do in an argument. I'm guilty of it and I'm sure a lot of others are as well.

If you are in an argument you are angry and you will say things (some things you may regret) but you target something a person might be insecure with. For example, plastic surgery.

And anyway, Hana has every right to stand up for herself and say what she wants especially since people are constantly dragging her down. If you don't agree with what she has to say then fine; just don't comment and move along.


My heart was racing as I approached the table. What do I do if she fights me?

"Baby!" Jimin said, jumping to his feet. He rushed around the table, pushing Sulli out the way and he hugged me, planting a kiss on my lips "I thought you were lost. I almost had to send a search party out for you"

"Pathetic" I heard Sulli mutter.

"Ignore her," Jimin said to me "She's just jealous of you"

"Jealous? Of her?" Sulli said, getting to her feet. The tables around us went quiet as she raised her voice "Do you really think I'd be jealous of some slut like her?"

"Watch what you say," Jimin said.

"Please. The girl is a fucking ogre!" Sulli laughed "Is she blackmailing you or something? She is disgusting and ugly. And do I have to mention how much better her sister is?"

"I'm warning you"

"You won't do shit because you know it's the truth. This girl shows up out of the blue and marries someone who can't even compare to this...fucking ugly whore" Sulli said walking towards me "You disgust me. You must be good at sucking dick or he wouldn't have married someone so pathetic and fat as you" She smirked as she stepped in front of me. Jimin didn't say anything because I held his hand tightly "There is such thing as a diet. Fatty"

"Stop it," I said quietly, feeling myself get angry.

"Did you know that makeup can't fix ugliness? Pathetic"

"Then can I have your plastic surgeons number?" I snapped.

I couldn't take it anymore. It was either snap or run away crying.

"You act like you are perfect and throw horrible insults at me," I said "But how confident were you before surgery? At least I am all-natural and don't have a plastic nose or breasts!"


"How much are you willing to bet that men prefer natural beauty over plastic?"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm Park fucking Hana" I snapped "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

The ride home was silent and I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe that I embarrassed myself in front of everyone. The photographers and cameramen had their attention on us and I wanted the ground to swallow me.


Jimin's image was going to be ruined and it was my fault.

The boys led the way up to the apartment and I couldn't stop looking at my feet. The silence was horrible. When I closed the door behind me I went running upstairs but Jimin grabbed hold of me.

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now