Home Alone

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Jimin was out.

I was alone.

The apartment was clean for once but only because I made Jimin tidy up with me. So, as I finally had time to myself, I was going to turn my music up loud and dance around. No one would judge me on my bad dancing or singing skills. It was perfect.

I plugged my phone in and found one of my playlists, and turned the volume up. I was lucky that Jimin didn't have any neighbours because they would probably complain. Either because it was too loud or they didn't like my taste in music.

I left my music playing downstairs and I rushed into the bathroom, where I could still hear my music over the running water. I sang along to my best friends' song while I washed my hair. It was weird knowing that Minhyuk became famous along with his friends, but I was just glad that he didn't forget about me. 

I didn't have many friends.

In school, the few friends I had were only talking to me to get closer to my older, prettier more popular sister. I lost a lot of friends when I left school because I found out what they were really like. Fake. Users. Backstabbers.

I did find out who my real friends were and they were Monsta X. Then a few girls, but I had lost contact with them mostly because I was busy with my job and didn't have time to meet up with any of them. I didn't even get a message from them when they found out when I got married...not that I entirely blamed them. Jimin was their bias and they knew I wasn't a fan of him because of how horrible he was to me.

I sighed and wrapped the towel around me. Jimin had always been my bias even though he was with my sister. Now that I was married to him I had to try and hide how happy I was. I knew 6 months was going to fly by, but I had to enjoy it while it lasted.

As I was getting dressed, my phone started to ring. So I quickly shoved myself into a pair of shorts and bra, then ran down the stairs losing the towel on my head, letting my wet and wild hair loose.


"Hana!" Minhyuk said, "Have you seen the news?"

"I've not turned the TV on today," I said, going back to pick my towel up "What is going on?"

"Mamamoo has told everyone that you are friends with them," Minhyuk said, "They just had an interview and they said how cute and sweet you were. Did you really go out to dinner with them?"

I laughed "Yes. 2 days ago. I was so nervous. I almost choked every time they spoke to me"

"That's cute though. Anyway, when are you free? You and I need to catch up. Wonho wants you to hear the demo of our new song and get your opinion on it"

"I'll message you when I'm free"

"What are you doing now?"

"I'm not free," I said, "I'm home alone and I am dancing to music. And you just interrupted my favourite song"

Minhyuk laughed "Alright. I'll hang up. Make sure you message me or else"

I hung up and put the towel over my head, then went in search of food. I began to sing along with the music and pulled out a packet of crisps. I felt like a pig as I sang with a mouth full of food. But since no one was in, I turned up Monsta X's song Hero.

"I can be your hero!"

After a while of chilling in my shorts and bra, I couldn't be bothered to put on any more clothes. Jimin wouldn't be back till the early hours so I didn't have to cover myself up. He would be disgusted with my body anyway.

My playlist had been repeated so many times, that I had to change it.

"Wow," I said, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair had dried wild, and the curls and frizz were insane "Shit. I need some anti-frizz"

I sighed and made my way to my phone. I flicked through my playlists and found one that made me smile. I once again turned it up loud and started to sing and dance. But I got so into the song that I was jumping around on the sofa.

"My, my, myyyy Delilah!" I sang at the top of my voice "Why, why, whyyyy Delilah!"

I jumped around on the sofa, still singing my heart out, just to see Jimin standing there with wide eyes.

I screamed and jumped to the floor, grabbing one of his jumpers and covered myself up. Jimin walked forward and paused the music.

"Why are you home early!" I panicked as he was still looking at me "Stop looking at me"

"I can't help it," Jimin said and cleared his throat.

"You don't have to be so disgusted," I said quietly.

Jimin suddenly glared at me "What makes you think I'm disgusted?"

"My body is horrible," I said, "I'm nothing like.."

"Your sister," Jimin said and he walked over to me "No. You are nothing like your sister"

"I'm sorry. I'll get dressed"

"You aren't going anywhere" Jimin grabbed my wrists and held them to my side, exposing my body to him "Shit"

"Please let me cover myself up" I begged "Don't look at me anymore"

Jimin refused to let my hands go and his eyes went up and down, looking at every inch of my body. I wanted to run away and hide. I hated my body but here I was standing here letting him look at me.

"You're lovely" Jimin breathed and he pulled on my arms, making me full against his chest. His eyes never left mine but I just wanted to escape.

"I need to go," I said, struggling against him "I have to go"

"Hana" Jimin put his arm around my waist, and held me tighter against his body "You're beautiful"

"I'm not," I said, looking away. My stomach was turning on me and I wanted to run. I didn't want him looking at me anymore.

"So beautiful" Jimin caught my face in his hands "Don't cover yourself up. Ever. You're perfect"

My eyes went wide as Jimin lowered his lips to mine, catching me off guard with an intense kiss.

Oh my God.

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