Dance Practice

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I couldn't help but watch in awe as Jimin...BTS danced around the practice room. It was beautiful to watch. He was so light on his feet and danced so fluidly.

I was so engrossed with him dancing that I didn't hear someone sit beside me. So when he spoke, I jumped.

PDnim chuckled "Sorry for making you jump Hana"

"It's ok"

"Jimin told me that your sister is coming back"


He patted my hand "Don't let her get under your skin. I am prepared to look after my idols and their partners. For starters, she is no longer able to step into this building without my knowledge"

I smiled "Thank you but I'm more worried about what she is going to do"

"Even if she talks to the press, I have a plan and they won't go against me. You still have the hater fans but they will use anything to gain a story" He smiled again "You look lovely today Hana"

"Stop chatting up my wife," Jimin said walking over "Give me 10 minutes and we can go"

I smiled shyly and nodded as the others were watching with big grins "I'll wait downstairs"

"Hang on" Jimin grabbed me as I tried to leave the room. He planted a big kiss on my lips then winked at me "You can go now"

I quickly ran as the others cooed at us. I tried to hide my smile as I skipped down the hall to the lift. I hit the ground floor and the receptionist smiled at me. I planted myself on the sofa and pulled my phone out to reply to the messages I had.

Most of them were from Mamamoo and Minhyuk. A few from my parents but I didn't want to open them or reply to them. They were talking about my sister and how disappointed they were in me for not divorcing Jimin.

I had been compared to my sister for my whole life. So it had almost become a habit to compare me to her. My friends, the real ones I had, always told me to stop. But because it had always happened it was hard to stop doing it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to be anything like her anymore but I still had the voice in the back of my head telling me to lose weight or get surgery.

I wasn't fat. I knew that. I just had more weight compared to others. My stomach wasn't flat but Jimin loved it. If I wanted a flat, toned stomach to look at, all I had to do was peek at Jimin when he changed. That was a flat stomach to say the least.

I blushed at the thought and cleared my throat.

Not the time or place Hana.

I smiled again. After last night I had time to think about what I tried to do with Jimin. At first, I was angry with him because he didn't want to have sex with me, but then he explained why and it made me all gooey inside. It's not often you find a man that would say that. boyfriends didn't want to because they had it with my sister. That perfect little bitch. I sighed. Jimin was right. She wasn't perfect. She only looked perfect.

She was only pretty on the outside.

There was a group of screams that made me look up and my heart dropped to my stomach.

The heels echoed as she strode forward and headed straight for me. Her smirk was still the same. As she reached me she stuck out her hip and looked down at me.

"Well, well" She sneered "Are you here to tell me you've got your things packed?"

I shook my head. She still intimidated me.

"Then why are you here? I'm here to claim what rightfully is mine"

I gritted my teeth and stood up, clenching my fists "Jimin isn't an object"

Eujin snorted "No, but he is my man"

"Your man?" I said quietly. I still couldn't raise my voice to her "He isn't your man"

Eujin grinned "Oh dear. Has my stupid sister fallen in love with him? Let me guess, he told you that he didn't want to sleep with you because he wants your first time to be special?"

My heart stopped on me and I just glared at her.

"Shit!" She laughed "I was right! How pathetic are you? Jimin will never love you. Look at you. The ugly sister"

"Leave me alone" I whispered "Y-y-you aren't welcome here"

"Get the fuck out of my way ugly" Eujin shoved me to the side and walked past "I'm now part of Big Hit so there isn't anything you can do. So, be a dear and sign those papers"

I ran after her "I'm not signing anything!"

"Then I will sign them for you" Eujin tried to shoo me away but I got in the lift with her "If you think you can stop me then you are dumber than you look"

She took long steps down the corridor and pushed her way into the dance studio. I ran in after her and the boys were just staring at her.

Jimin's eyes were wide and he couldn't take them off her.

"Hello baby" Eujin smiles "I'm back"

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi said "Go away. You aren't wanted here"

"Aww, Yoongz. Don't be so mean" Eujin pouted at her.

My heart was racing as I stared at Jimin. His eyes still hadn't left my sister. Eujin chuckled and looked at me.

"See? My man can't take his eyes off me"

"That's because he can see a troll standing next to his wife" Jungkook said.

"Excuse me?" Eujin hissed "Who the fuck are you calling a wife? This bitch is not his wife. I am going to be-"

"You ran out on him" Jungkook glared at her and pointed at me "I'm glad he married Hana because if he married you then he'd be a piece of shit"

"She's going to sign the divorce papers. Aren't you?" Eujin grabbed the top of my arm and dug her nails in "Answer me!"

"I'm not signing anything!" I shouted and I shoved her. She lost her footing and landed with a thud "I'm done with being pushed around! Don't ever touch me again or come near Jimin"

Eujin got to her feet "Why don't you let him decide then. After all, you did say he wasn't an object"

"He isn't!" I said "He doesn't love you anymore"

"Baby, why don't you tell her that you only said that because you felt sorry for her" Eujin turned to look at Jimin.

Jimin looked at me and my heart broke. He was looking at me like he felt sorry for me.

A sob caught in my throat "You lied to me"

"I didn't lie to you!" Jimin rushed forward and hugged me "Why would I lie about that?"

"Alright, say your bye and get off my man"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jimin yelled at her "I'm not your man. I will never be your man and if you lay a hand on my wife again I will fucking sue you!"

Eujin's eyes were wide and then she glared at the both of us "You will regret saying that to me. I swear to you both that I will ruin this fake marriage. This is just fake love"

"I have it!" Namjoon yelled suddenly "The name for our new song!"

Eujin screamed in frustration and bathed my shoulder before walking out of the room. No one said anything. Apart from Taehyung.

"Well...that went well"

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now